Rear facing group 1 car seats (9-18kg)

Sam's Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Does anyone have one? I need to get Toby a new car seat soon, and was thinking about getting a rear facing to age 4 one. Obviously I'd need to get Sam one too.

I've read all the safety stuff but I'm just wondering more about the comfort of them, if kids are happy having to face backwards, if their legs are uncomfortable being bent in them etc... need to make sure I'm not going to have 2 screaming kids in the back of the car for the next few years if I'm going to spend money on them :lol:
I have a rear facing seat suitable up to age 4 but it faces forward once they're 1,only rear facing from birth upwards and I didn't think u could get rear facin seats for anuy older than 1 due to lack of leg room,matts 3 1/2 and there's no way his legs would fit in if I had the seat rear facing. I have 2 of theses seats and find the maxi-cosi 1 the best due to it easily reclines so no rolling heads or stiff necks on long journeys,the cheaper seat I have also reclines but not as easily as the maxi-cosi 1. Hope that helps xx
Thanks... I had a look at those too, but Toby wouldn't be in it for long befire it had to turn round because he's ok in the rear facing one he's in now for another couple of months. I was thinking of getting them for both boys - you get ones where the seat isn't up against the car seat so there's a gap for their legs, but it does mean that they can't straighten their legs out. It's meant to be a lot safer than facing forwards, but not sure how they'll feel about being made to face the back - especially after Sam facing forwards for so long now... I can see him being very grumpy about it :lol:
I've been thinking about this too. Might make the DVD screens we have in the headrests a bit pointless though :lol:
:lol: Get them some mirrors! At least my car doesn't have them built in. Can you get ones that strap on that I could put on the back seats?
yep - thats what my sister has. we havent used them yet - theyre for long journeys really.
Aaah perfect! I'm sure Sam will be happy facing the back with something to watch if we're on a long journey. He still falls asleep in the car anyway. Not sure why I feel guilty about sticking him the other way round when I know it's safer, but we do talk and sing lots in the car...maybe it's just me who will be missing out?! :lol:

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