Really want another but o/h not sure


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Hello peeps

Here's my problem....

My o/h and I have 2 lovely girls, 3 and 1...I am recently turned 37 and my o/h is 33. I really feel that I would love to try for another. I know I'm not getting any younger and my thoughts are (no offence) that It would have to be in the next year ideally / 1.5/2 at a push to become pregnant for the final time. I don't want to be still trying for another baby as I'm approaching 40 - I've set my self a goal to have achieved the big stuff by then so I can relax and enjoy motherhood and life for a bit....

Anyway - I would start now if only my o/h agreed. He keeps giving mixed messages...he says he hasn't got the energy and it would destroy him, then he says maybe in about 5 years or so (no concept of my ageing process haha)...then I had a scare a few moths ago (well I was full of hope) and when I mentioned it to him he was really pleased and was bragging to a mate.

I keep trying to find the time to have a proper sit down / or even to dtd but we are both either shattered from work or something happens like the kids start crying, etc. It's very hard to even get the time alone at the mo......

Any one else in a similar situation? Luckily we get pregnant really quickly so if he changes is mind it could happen this year!!
So weve had a proper chat for what now seems about 5 days (grabbing time to talk when we can) and it hasn't just been me bringing it up all the time, he says he has been talking with others too....initially he was NOOOOO no nope, etc but now he might be considering it... well, he gave me a cheeky grin whilst talking of anothers new born he saw today - so I blurted out shall we have one of those then, you're coming round to the idea aren't you :)...he went quiet and smiled......I've already bought some pre-natal vitamins and stopped drinking booze and caffeine!

I think i've gone fully baby bonkers
Hi we are sort of in the same situation. Our daughter is 3 and I've been undecided about wanting another baby but recently it's been on my
Mind but have not had the nerve to bring it up with the other half.

But this past couple of weeks I've had a confusing time (I posted about it in the am I pregnant section) basically I thought I was pregnant so we did a test and we're both disappointed that it was negative and now we have both expressed that we would like another baby. I actually think I'm ovulating now so I would like to start trying right away but he seemed unsure but I think I can convince otherwise 😉

What's your situation now?
Hi, I'm finding myself being more and more confused. We had our little girl in July 2013 and both said we just wanted the one. I didn't have a great time at the end of my pregnancy. I had pre-eclampsia, polyhydraminos and a severe infection. That was enough to put me off to be honest, but I also felt I just didn't want another. Now I suddenly find myself thinking that I'd like to TTC next year. It took 22 months to get my BFP with my little girl. Problem is, I don't think hubby wants another. He's said before he wants to get a vasectomy. Even when I was sure I didn't want another, I didn't want this as it just seems so final! The other thing is that I work full time as a teacher and hubby does about 24 hours evenings and nights and he was the one who looked after our little girl during the day.
If hunby could be convinced, I wouldn't want to start till Feb 2017 as we have a holiday in August and a close friends wedding at the start of September. It's just strange to think I want another when I was so dead against it for 3 years!

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