Really this time!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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I heard babes heartbeat on my Doppler!! I could hear mine at first, moved it a little then I coul hear this faint, but really fast heartbeat. Everytime I tried to record it I would loose te sound.

Babe is located 2 an a bit inches down from I belly button and one inch over- but the same place the ultrasound people had he probe thing!!

I am so happy that I can pick up a beat now! Would really recomment angel sounds.

FYI make sure your bladder is full... Beytter quality.
Oh my god how exciting. I can't believe you can hear it already I was gonna wait to buy one but I'm going on amazon as soon as I get home!
I'm really pleased for you:)
Awww, how lovely. I want one now!
i am very jealous, still can't hear anything on mine although i am not very patient with it and get a cob on if i don't hear anything after 5mins :lol:

what difference does the full bladder make though?!
I read that a full bladder helps to pick up the sound...Plus when my bladder is full it pushes the uterus forward- woman that did my ultrasound noted that my uterus had an on shape going on, she put it down to my bladder!

You have to be very patient and turn your volume up all the way. I passed the same spot and would miss it several times, then I would change the angle/pressure and hey presto!

Start the Doppler off about 2 inches above your bikini line and move along the centre there....

Also make sure you don't do it soon after you've eaten either!

Remember if the baby has got the back to you or if your uterus is tilted a different way then you won't always pick anything up.
good tips chick! might spend some time doing it at weekend when i have more time to mess about!
I still want one! I might chat to hubby and see if would mind me getting one, hehe.
Oh I really want 1 aswel now...hmmm eBay I think ;)
mine was 25quid from amazon

the angel one
Yeah get the angel sounds one. Before I got mine I did some research and this one was by far the best- great reviews.

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