Really struggling with hormones


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Hey ladies, I think I just needed to get this off my chest. I've been feeling so down these past few days and been snappy and tearful at oh when he hasn't even done anything wrong. And then when he isn't here I feel so clingy and want him home. I can't help but crying at everything too! I just feel so over emotional and useless at the min lol. Has anyone else felt like this? xxxx

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You poor thing - I felt exacly the same yesterday and its horrible :( Started blubbing for no real reason and ended up howling with a nose bleed! You really are not on your own sweets. My OH just couldn't
understand why I was so upset and ended up getting a bit cross which didn't help! Does your OH work away? I don't think I could cope if mine wasn't around most of the time. Yep, he annoys hell out of me over some things but I wouldn't be without him! Chin up sweetie -I'm sure our emotions will calm down soon! xxxx
I'm exactly the same! when hes not home, I just want him here but as soon as he walks through the door I wish I was home alone again! Sometimes I want his sympathy over the ms but other times I just get angry at him for rubbing my back and saying he wishes he could do it for me. Poor guy. I really feel sorry for all our blokes!
Hopefully the end result will make up for it :)
He doesn't work away but we work at different times and I just want him to myself lol. For a man he seems to already understand how hormonal us ladies get during pregnancy but I still can't help feeling so guilty for being this way. Yea the end result will def be worth it all :) ouchie for the nosebleed! Xxxx

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I've been in tears today getting myself all worked up. OH doesn't know what to do with me these days :( keep telling him (and myself) it'll get better in tri 2... Hope you're feeling better soon hun xx
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Oh bless you sweetie I am sending you a virtual hug! Its defo a rollercoaster of hormones this Tri 1 isn't it, totally normal hun. I've found myself snapping at my poor OH and even at people at work too (which is so unlike me I wouldn't say boo to a goose usually!) And then the other week my OH ate something that I really wanted out of the cupboard, and it made me cry. Which is ridiculous! Lol. Its totally normal hun, I'm sure your OH understands. I'm hoping it will pass as our bodies get more used to the hormones maybe?

You're defo not alone lovely :) just keep on looking after yourself and eat something lovely and watch a good film or something, it will pass xxx
Thank you lovely ladies :) xxxx

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Hi Kra!!!

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling the best lately!! Pregnancy hormones can do all sorts of weird and wonderful things to your mood!!! At least you & OH know what it is that is causing your emotional rollercoaster though ;) So keep that in mind when you are feeling down/emotional, it is not your fault, it is the hormones!!
Thankfully I seem to have mellowed out alot during this pregnancy!!! Thats not to say I havent had my moments, but usually when Im not preggers I am so fiery!!!! lol I have had tearful moments to myself, and crying over little or nothing!! Don't give yourself a hard time over it, it is to be expected xxxx
aw, bless ya my darlin'. It's a roller coaster of a ride. i Think you should treat yourself to something nice and comforting. My ultimate comfort is a blanket, pyjamas and slippers in bed or on the sofa with amovie. Take it easy on yourself! What you are feeling is all normal. Just gotta hang on to the rollercoaster and you'll be through it soon. X x

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