Really struggling to socialise x


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
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I'm having a bit of a shite day today!

Out friends keep inviting us to things and I keep finding every reason not to go!! I just can't bear the thought of being around my pregnant friends and I'm just scared of being I'm a situation where another friend tells me they are pregnant and I end up getting upset!

My husband is telling me I'm being a bad friend and I probably am but I just keep thinking while I'm home alone or not around people ttc that I'm protecting myself from the upset

Am I being unreasonable and has anybody fealt like this and know how to deal with it xxx
i don't think I would want to go out and socialise either! I find myself glaring at pregnant women in the playground at school and feeling that pang of emptyness!

Do your friends know what happened?

You are dealing with some very hard emotions at the moment and need to do this however you feel helps, you don't need added guilt over being a bad friend too. go out if you want to or stay in if you want to - do what is best for you. You may find in time you feel comfortable being around them again.
Hi Sorry for your loss.

I was exactly the same. I stopped shopping at the shops for food and did it on line for about a month after my second MC. I still feel funny being around pregnant women and I'm one of them now.

I made up a photo board yesterday of our life and he said geez you have aged between that photo and the one of us a few weeks ago. He asked how long ago was that taken and I told him September last year. It happened to be the day we conceived our first lost angel. He was just a little shocked. I couldn't tell him why I had aged so much (I know exactly why) I just didn't want to bring up things he does not think of much any more.
Steph it's still very early days for you hun. Your bound to feel awful around other pregnant ladies, that's totally understandable. I used to want to hit people whenever they told me time would make me feel better but after a while the pain did become less intense. You will go out and socialise again, but in your own time, when you feel ready. Don't feel pressured into moving on, you have suffered a loss and deserve to have grieving time. Massive hugs love xxxx
You're not being a bad friend. You're grieving. And your husband should know better. Take things at your own speed hun, don't let anybody rush you through your grief. You have every right to keep your distance if that's what helps you to cope right now.

Maybe you'll reach a point where you feel comfortable sharing your experience with your friends so they can get a level of understanding, but like I said, do it in your own time.


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