Really starting to wonder if it's going to work...advice pls


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I'm onto my 3rd week of BF now and things do not seem to be improving at all. I'm having no issues with latching on or nipple pain but I'm totally convinced I'm just not producing enough milk :( Layla seems to want to feed non-stop, is crying constantly and seeking the breast all the time and therefore not settling at all. She is still slightly jaundice and has still not regained her weight up to her birth weight (which was 6 lbs 3). I know that it's supply and demand but I just don't seem to be buidling up a milk supply to meet her needs. I am rarely that engorged and don't really leak at all. I have no luck with expressing either and can only produce about 1/2 and ounce from each side which means that I can't really have a break and go out and leave her with my mum. She does very very few poos too. I started giving her one formula substitute top up with Aptimil in the evening (only 2 ounces) as I was so concerned about the jaundice, and she guzzles this down and then settles instantly.

I know that the first few wks of breast feeding are hard but my milk supply just doesn't seem to be building at all and it's becomming too much to be feeding her litterally all day long. The only time she trully settles is after her formula top-up at night :wall: Can anyone offer advice? I have considered giving her some more formula substitutes as she is clearly super hungry and upset....HEEEELLLPPP :?
She should be doing about 2/4 poopy nappies a day at this point... if not then she might not be getting enough... make sure that you drink as much water as you can..

My breasts only started engorging at the end of week four where lil miss was building up my supply...before then my boobs felt empty and I had a limpet attached to my breast 24/7.

they will guzzle formula because it comes out with no effort and the casein found in cows milk isn't effectively digested by the human gut so it will sit in the baby's tummy making them think they are fuller for longer. BM is completely absorbed so the baby thinks it hasn't been fed.

At two weeks babies still require 2 hourly feeds... so if it takes you between an hour to hour and half to feed will only be an hour/half hour till the next feed. It is normal to be always feeding at this stage.

We had lil miss weighed at 17 days and she hadn't gained any weight from her birth weight. She was slightly jaundiced then too (she was in SCBU because she was jaundiced) takes at least 6 weeks to get the breast feeding under control but its very rare for you not to produce enough milk... try top ups for an evening feed...but offer the boob first... eventually you will be able to drop it..

Remember...its hard to breast feed...butyou've done well so far. :hug: :hug: :hug:
the drinking thing is soo true. You need at least 6-7 pints of water a day when breastfeeding. You also need at least 2500 calories, which is about 500 more that you normally would.

Have a go with making sure you're eating and drinking enough and see if that helps at all.

It is possible not to produce enough and if your lil one is not gaining weight you should be concerned!! I was told to top up with an ounce or two of formula after each feed to make sure LO doesnt go hungry. Its very important they get alot of fluid in early weeks! Have you squeezed your nipples when she is fretful to see if milk is coming out or are you empty?

I did 25-30 mins on my breast and then topped my LO with formula and he slept contentedly after each feed. It wasn't ideal as I only wanted to breastfeed but at least I knew then he was getting something and I could see how much!!

The breast/formula top up routine seemed to work and luckily my milk supply built up as we both became less stressed and calmer about feeding. Don't let your baby go hungry if you really think you're not meeting her demands, spk to a professional if you are unsure what to do hun.. xx
KJ said:
the drinking thing is soo true. You need at least 6-7 pints of water a day when breastfeeding. You also need at least 2500 calories, which is about 500 more that you normally would.

Have a go with making sure you're eating and drinking enough and see if that helps at all.


wow that's a lot of calories :shock: I know I probably need to be eating more, I don't naturally have a big apetite so I've been trying to snack on higher calorie things and eat a big piece of cake at tea time :D I think I will have to make an effort to try and eat even more. I keep a 2 L bottle of water with me at all times and I manage about 1.5L in a day so i'll try to finish the whole lot today.
Pregnopaws said:
It is possible not to produce enough and if your lil one is not gaining weight you should be concerned!! I was told to top up with an ounce or two of formula after each feed to make sure LO doesnt go hungry. Its very important they get alot of fluid in early weeks! Have you squeezed your nipples when she is fretful to see if milk is coming out or are you empty?

I did 25-30 mins on my breast and then topped my LO with formula and he slept contentedly after each feed. It wasn't ideal as I only wanted to breastfeed but at least I knew then he was getting something and I could see how much!!

The breast/formula top up routine seemed to work and luckily my milk supply built up as we both became less stressed and calmer about feeding. Don't let your baby go hungry if you really think you're not meeting her demands, spk to a professional if you are unsure what to do hun.. xx

I have been doing the "squeeze" test to see if I have enough and it does seem to be there. One of the problems is that she gets really sleepy very quickly and sucks for about 5 mins and then dozes off :wall: I've tried stripping her, changing nappies inbetween boobs and tickling her cheeks but as soon as she nods off it's impossible to really get her sucking again :roll: It's odd as my nipples do leak milk at the moment but sometimes she seems to fret (especially on my right boob) like there's nothing left.

As you suggested I have also been substituting a forumla top-up after feeding sessions but have only been doing it once a day though at her evening feed. If things don't improve though I may add in another top-up. MW is coming on fri to weigh Layla so i'll have a chat with her.
This was the same as me at the start with Dylan, I didn't believe that I was making enough milk or actually know if he was getting any but he was. My boobs were never engorged for the first weeks because he was constanly on me so they never got time to be too full, but your body will make enough to feed LO. I didn't believe that he could be hungry as often as he was, but he was...this is the thing I was most surprised about because no-one had prepared me for it.

You do need to eat and drink enough - I was told to go for carbs and drink gallons of water (which I needed to anyway coz I was always thirsty). I know some girls on here who bf didn't have babies who poo'd every day - I think that's normal (Dylan constanly poo'd though!).

It will get better and easier, you're doing a great job so don't think you're doing something wrong but do ask for help if you need it - speak to your HV and ask them to check that baby is latched on right. Also if you can, when Layla falls asleep try to get a bit of sleep yourself - that's what I had to do because it was the only time I got a chance xx

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