Really Scared!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Well I'm now 9 weeks pregnant and I have my first midwife appt on Tuesday afternoon. I know this sounds ridiculous but I've always had a problem with going to medical appointments, whether it be the dentist, going to the doctors for a check up, whatever. I get really nervous beforehand which ends up with me feeling sick so imagine how I'm going to cope going to the hospital on Tuesday feeling nervous and having morning sickness at the same time! What happens if I start retching in front of the midwife - I'll feel like a right idiot!

I know that seeing the midwife and having a scan etc are all good things and part of being pregnant but I'm still scared of going! Does anyone else hate hospital stuff? This is one of the reasons why I've put off pregnancy (also because of the morning sickness cos I have a phobia of vomiting/feeling sick) until now (I'm 32). It also worries me how I will cope having to take the baby for check ups, innoculations! Don't get me wrong, I know I will do these things for the good of my baby but I'm highly anxious about it!

Hope you don't all think I'm really weird!!!
Ahh don't worry you'll get used to it! It's really nothing scary! Are you ok with blood tests and stuff?
I don't really mind anything like that but my OH is so so petrified, he won't come with me to appointments. I'm half wondering if he's going to run away while I'm in labour! He really doesn't like it either. We did the hospital tour a week ago and even that made him nervous. Your not alone honey! Just take some water and explain to the midwife your not too keen on the whole appointment thing and she will make you fell at home as much as she can. X
Thanks hun! I'm ok with blood tests strangely enough! It's mostly the anticipation of going into an appointment and hospitals just make me feel physically sick! Always had a problem with illness etc so I guess that's why I'm so anxious now because i know there's no getting away from it now!!

I hope your OH will be ok when you're in labour! Funnily enough my OH also seems extremely nervous about the labour and am also wondering whether he'll run away or faint or something! Hopefully they will be ok when it actually happens! Are you going to ask a good friend/family relative to help you through the labour as well as your OH? It might take the pressure off him a bit! My best friend has offered to do exactly that and my OH and I are seriously considering it!


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