Really Really tmi, I'm so sorry...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Please take into account we're all human before reading this!!!!!
I'm so sorry I'm posting this but it has freaked me out a bit and could really do with some advice...went toilet a little while ago, number 2's (I'm embarrassed writing this, sorry again! :oops:) and when I wiped I ended up with some sort of milky discharge on my hand...anyone know what this could be? It was quite runny and I know it wasn't :sperm: cos we haven't had sex for over a week... :mad:
Thanks and again, sorry! :whistle:

P.S. Like the way I've gone smiley crazy in this post to try and detract from what I'm actually saying???? Lol...
You get alot of discharge when pregnant! Fingers crossed for you x x
ive been having the same hun. we are all in this together so don't be worried about what you post. you know we will all understand.

good luck.

hope this is it for you. xxxx
could be a good sign i had so much discharge first few weeks i was convinced it was af starting
Thanks Ladies...NMF I was going to send you a PM regarding it cos I remember you saying you've been having it but thought it might gross you out a bit!!! lol...
fx then I guess!!
i get this when im ovulating hun.....its normal and nothing to be embarrased about.

As you said, we are all human xx
ha ha. you make me laugh jarjar. i have had it loads. to the extent yesterday that i thought either af had arrived or i had peed myself abit. tmi. lol.

no it was just lots of cm. hope its a good sign for us both.

:lol: NMF!! I haven't felt like I've peed myself yet but maybe that will happen!!! fx for us!!!

Ema-Lou I am due on tomorrow so I'm hoping its not OV cos if it is my timings are REALLY out!! :rotfl:
ha ha. wasnt nice. had to put a pad in.

good luck jarjar keep me posted.

Ha Ha, you are priceless :lol: Know what you mean I keep thinking AF has arrived as I feel so wet and make a mad dash to the toilet to check!
I get this a LOT when I ovulate, I used to say to my friend it's like having a clear af half way through your cycle evey month! All sounds normal to me... Fingers crossed
for you.
Will do NMF, thanks. Same to you too, you're a few days late now aren't you?!

Well I'm due on tomorrow and keep getting cramps etc so if nothing arrives I will probably test Tuesday AM. Did a test on Fri but got BFN...
yeah i was due wednesday so 4 days late now but had a bfn on friday also.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you hun.
When you have a BM you cause the CM to move forward when you strain the muscles. I usually get this after a BM too. But as the other ladies have said lots of CM can be a sign of EP. FX for you xx

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