Really really scared...


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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Bit of a long read, sorry ladies.

On thursday I noticed a couple of spots of blood on my nickers when I went to the toilet so I rang my mum and told her and she said not to worry too much as it could be quite commen and just to keep and eye on it. Later on I was bleeding slightly heavier so again I rang my mum and she advised to ring my GP. Spoke to my doctor and she asked things such as had I noticed any clotting which I hadn't and if I had stomach cramps which I also didn't. she said she was sure everything was ok but she would get me a scan booked for the nect day.

So 9:30 on friday I went to the hospital and had to have an internal scan as nothing came up on the external scan. The woman said she could see the bag which was only little but couldnt actually see if there was anything inside it. I then spoke to a nurse and she said it could just be a bit of implantation bleeding as the bleeding seemed to be easing off. She then continued to tell me I should get an appointment for in about 4 weeks time by which time they will be able to see more.

Once back home I started experiencing stomach cramps, of which weren't really painful but I was aware of them. After I had been the toilet I saw little bits of clots in the bottom of the toilet. The bleeding is heavier again now and I have been having stomach pains since.

I am really worried I am loosing the baby and the worst part is not knowing for sure and not being able to do anything about it! :( I don't know what to do :(
Not really sure what to say, but I couldn't read it and not reply. Can you ring NHS direct for advice, or do you have a walk-in centre near you?

How far gone are you?

K xxx
Keira the best thing to do is lie down and keep off your feet till you can get to the doctors. Ask them to do an hcg test then another 2 days later because waiting 4 weeks is just not on when they can tell you through blood quicker.
Try not to panic, but rest as much as you can. :hug:
Do you have an early pregnancy unit near you if you do you should call them if not you could go up to A&E :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the replies :)

Unfortunatly about an hour ago I passed a clot which I am pretty certain was the baby. Have rang NHS Direct and they have booked me in for a scan on tuesday.
Hi hunny, just wanted to let you know that i to had a bleed at 7weeks (Sorry not sure how far gone you are) I had lots of blood that come in one big rush for about 5-10 mins and i lost a hugh clot and was besides myself, some pain is quiet normal (period like pains) and things could still be fine so please dont give up hope. I had to wait about a week for my scan i think and it was a nightmare waiting.
If you wanted to read more stories of some of us that had a bleed earlier this year then just read back through this Tri and hope that they help.
Good Luck
It's not over till they tell you it is. I can't imagine what you're going through so will just send you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: . Let us know how it goes on Tuesday x
Hi Keira :hug: Please don't get too worked up, I've heard of people having a bleed and passing a clot and it not being a m/c. Maybe a clot had to get out and it's residual bleeding from that, so it would be good that a clot has escaped.At this point you dont know one way or the other, so rest up alot while it's happeneing, ie stay in bed.
You will know if you're having a m/c. Someone told me this at the start of mine when I had some bleeding, they said you wouldn't be thinking am I arent I, you would know for sure as the blood literally falls out of you.
Hope that isnt freaking anyone out, but it's part of pregnancy and I wish I had known more, what I would have done differently is I wouldnt have gone to A and E and i wouldnt have pestered my doctors, i'd have stayed in bed 100% because there isnt anything anyone can do. People shy away from the details of a m/c and it doesnt help us who then go through them or who think they might be to know what to look for.

Take it easy and try and relax, and I wouldnt be thinking the worst yet :hug:
Let us know how it goes tomorrow, thinking of you :hug:

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