Really hurting when turning over at night :(


Active Member
Oct 8, 2010
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hi all.

everytime i turn over in the night my pelvis is really hurting like its bruised?? can be really painful at time and had it throughtout most of my pregnancy.
does anyone feel the same? i dont know if its just where im tensing my stomach when getting up or doing to much x
I'm exactly the same! It did ease off afew weeks ago but it's back and it's so much worse than what it was! It really hurts to get up for the loo! How far are you? x
im 32+2 today.
ahh its horrible...would be ok if i didnt have to get up so much lol!
baby is alot lower now aswel so its been getting worse, not long to go though so will just have to put up with it :) x
I get pelvic pain - experiment with having super straight legs or legs bent up fully, to see which is the least painful. Also try to turn over with knees together, as that should also help.

To get out of bed, I need to roll onto my left (I sleep on the right side of the bed) and then push myself up with my hands with my legs hanging over the side until I'm sat on the edge of the bed, kind of like a pendulum! lol!
Thankyou, will definatley try anything that helps! :) xx
Yes I am the same.

I have searched about this on the internet and it says that it can be a sign of SPD .. if it continues to get worse i would contact your MW or GP :)
Yip the dreaded SPD :shakehead: I have this and it's awful, the Physio told me to turn inwards if that makes sense? Turn your face toward the pillow and your knees firmly clasped together with your pillow in between towards the bed and turn that way. Not sure if I have explained myself well though :eh: It does depend on your size though as I can no longer turn this way as my bump is so big :lol:
im really starting to wonder if i have spd too, i could barely get out of bed this morn, and couldnt stand for very long, was painful and i felt unusually weak?! was wierd and bending down etc was a no no, when im in bed i struggle to turn over and stuff too! im gonna ask my midwife on wednesday. x
thankyou everyone, all the comments are really helpful. havent heard about spd before so going to look it up now :) have a consultant app on thursday so will mention it to him xxx
yeah ive had this too for 2 weeks and #i eventually went to the doctors on thursday to ask if light excercise would help loosen things down there a bit and he said thats my problem im already to "loose" down there i have a clicky right hip that is basically ready to dislocate anytime with too much activity or opening my pelvis to wide!!!! and I have SPD too, not good xx
I have this too and a constant ache in the back, a and e said I had sciatica could it be spd?
they say that they get the 2 mixed up but SPD is much sorer so i would see a doctor, is there pain in the bone at your lady bits x
definatley feeling like i have spd then. as it sounds exactly like that i suffer from my back anyway and in early pregnancy when i was walking it was like something was clicking in and out of place in my lower back. seeing someone thursday so hopefully will be able to tell me.
when u wake up its horrible i feel like i cant walk lol xx
Definetly think you have SPD hun, I suffer from it I think I get a sting in my pubic bone and like a sore itch in my pelvic muscles and my legs W O W they hurt :( when I get up in the morning I sometimes cry in pain.
yeah the more i hear about it the more it relates to me, seeing my consultant thursday. does it mean there might be difficulties when it comes to labour as when i researched it it was saying about c-section? xx
Better bloody not result in a c-section! I don't want one of those, I'm going to ask about this now when I'm in for my next midwife appt

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