Really bad acne


Jan 2, 2007
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Hi girls

I am really fed up at the moment as I am suffering with quite severe acne.
I am 31 and didnt really suffer with any as a teenager and then in the last couple of years my skin broke out. Obviously I couldnt take any medication as I was planning to start a family and still cant now I am pregnant. However it has got a lot worse.
Just wondered if anyone had used anything that helps or knows of anything thats safe to use.

Many thanks
Ive never really suffered from bad skin, but a few weeks into the pregnancy i did start to break out with spots.

I think its quite a usual thing, as your hormones are all over the place!

Check with your doctor or midwife as to what products are safe to use!
I suffered with really bad spots with my first pregnancy and my doctor perscribed Quinaderm with worked great. I still use it now if i get a spot.
I have had bad acne and the best stuff i have ever used is the anti-bac range by dermalogica. I have a lot of friends and aquaintances that have used it and are really happy with the results. Its quite expensive but it last for ages. Check out a website called beautyflash to get it the cheapest. they also have a good email advice service. It's great for acne and still good for non-teenage skin if you know what I mean. I found clearasil and the other acne skin products very drying on my skin as I have got older. And a beauty therapist said that they aren't really a good idea as you get older as ther give you that "farmers wife" look. Her words not mine...

PM me if you want further details on the products I use or have used.
MY GP gave me a topical solution which I keep in the fridge, looks a bit like a roll on deodorant.... is fantastic and safe to use when pregnant.

Spot to not overnight!

I cannot remember the name of it now, will look when I get home.

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