Really awful skin - getting me down


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2007
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Hi all,

I know this is absolutely nothing to gripe about given that everything else is going so well, but I am SICK of being SPOTTY!!

My skin around my chin and lower cheeks is very tender and it is constantly dry and flaky with red spots / whiteheads. I have been really careful with moisturising, using some natural stuff from neal's yard, which stops it being sore/itchy but it seems nothing can help the spots.

My normal cleanser is a face scrub which I think is maybe too harsh right now so I'm thinking of swapping for a cream cleanser, but it's so expensive buying all this stuff so I thought I would send out a plea to see if anyone had any great recommendations? I just can't understand having skin which is spotty, but so dry that it's flaking at the SAME TIME! how unfair is that?!

I only wear make-up when going out and hate foundation but I heard that it can be quite good having an extra barrier for your skin when it's at this sensitive stage? maybe trying some light base?

the spotty one :(
I have extreemely sensitive skin and get eczema. I searched for many years to find something that didn't aggravate my skin and eventually i found decleor! It is expensive, (face cream £30 - 45) but it does work, harmony essentielle is fantastic on sore skin. I've tried swapping to other so say gentle organic creams but they all leave me looking like a burns victim!!! The best thing to do is go to a decleor salon or store for some personalised skincare advice. Not as good, but not too bad was also Dermalogica, it's a bit cheaper i think. I personally think it's worth spending a bit on my face as when i look bad i feel awful.

Good luck
Sometimes it's a simple answer;

My mum suffered from spots, she found nothing worked apart from tablets the doctor gave her but when she stopped takin gthem, wham, her visitors would re-appear.

Eventually, she heard an old wives tale, which she tried;

* LOTS of water, not tap though
* More green veg and fruits
* Not adding extra salt to foods, also not adding sugar
* Pillows, not to use poly sheets, use pure cotton or proper silk (the cotton type and not the smooth type)
* Instead of using face scrubs, normal bars of soap with nuetral PH levels, no added fragrance and such.

Within a move, she noticed a big difference and swore by it. Not sure if it will help with you but thought I'd pass it on xx
Thanks all! :hug:

I've had a search around the web and I've found some products called Calmin cleanser and moisturiser which are natural ingredients and recommended for people with acne and rosacea. I'm actually starting to suspect that I may have rosacea, as my symptoms seem identical and I did have some flare-ups before I was pregnant as well (although the doc didn't diagnose it). In any case, these are for hyper-sensitive skin and they have a money-back guarantee, so I'll give them a go and see if they do the job! I don't think I'm doing myself any favours using too harsh a cleanser at the moment.

I do have a Decleor salon near me so maybe a good excuse to treat myself! And get some posh foundation... maybe when, fingers crossed, skin clears up a bit.

It's all very pricey, but I agree - faces are important especially when the rest of you is busy going fat / baggy / waddly!


unfortunately nothing will help the spots. They're hormonal and bought about by pregnancy.

It's the one thing I have suffered terribly with. On my face, neck back and shoulders. I've had them since about 13 weeks and they haven't improved one bit no matter what I do.

My only confort is that once I give birth they'll probably disappear although they're so bad I may be left with some scarring.

I just gt up extra early and spend half an hour each morning applying make-up. I'm pretty good at covering them all up and people actually comment on how good my skin looks!!!!!!!!! It's a hassle, but the only solution I've found.

As a pregnant woman though, you get free prescriptions. I have been referred to the red cross, they have a camouflage make-up specialist at most branches. You can go there and have a consultation if referred from a GP and they'll prescribe you some dermacolour or veil make-up that is sweat and water proof. The stuff they use for birth marks and covering up war wounds, etc.

You are not alone. I am sick of the spots too. They are red and painful over my face, back and chest. I got so imbarrased that I had to cut myself a fringe before going to work one morning about 12 weeks ago. It's great, it covers a lot of them up. xxx
Thanks, I'm glad it's not just me. And my sis come to that, she's suffered terribly with spots through her pregnancy. I'm going to see her this weekend and hope they've cleared up a bit now little 'un's out in the world!

Mum hasn't helped, saying "oh I never had any problems with spots when I had you two, I don't know where you get it!" :evil:

and "You've both always had lovely clear skin" :evil: :evil:
I have some on one side of my chin and also have started getting pimples on my boobs :oops:

Not sure if that is the stretch mark cream, massive maternity bras or the fact I constantly feel like a sweaty betty at the moment :oops:
I bought some stuff in boots called Bye Bye Blemish (something like that) and you apply it with a cotton bud and sleep with it on. Is really good for drying your skin up! Totally sympathise re: spotty skin. I have rosacea so have a tendancy to be spotty at the best of times!
I was going to do a new post but ill try on this one first

Ive recently started getting pimples all down my forearm anyone else or am I just a little weird? Lol.

My face is really spotty too and I've never really suffered with spots. mY back and shoulders are even worse! I get OH to wipe my back down every night with a cleansing pad which seems so help slightly, and I'm gross coz I like to look at how much dirt has come off :lol:

It's amazing how dirty your pores get even when you shower everyday!!!

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