Realistic PAYPAL scam, be careful!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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If you have recieved an email from Paypal showing a man in a jumper with thumbs up asking if you'd like to win £25K and have signed up to the comp with the link on this email change your password immediately, it's a scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the email addy it comes from:-

[email protected]
I haven't had that one yet!!

but I always get dodgy ones, normally ones saying that a transation has been made but I have no idea what it's for, they then tell you if you haven't authorised it then to click the link below ect.

The link then sends you to a realistic looking "Paypal" site, but if you check the web address in the bar at the top of the webpage you can see your not actually on the paypal website.

click here for info on how to spot a fake paypal email and what to do if you get one.

If you get emails from paypal like the one oldermum has mentioned go to the paypal website, if they are offering any promotional prizes they WILL have details of it on their website.

if you suspect you have a fake paypal email forward it to [email protected] (I have this saved in my email addresses I get that many).

Please be aware and check your emails carefully and DO NOT click on any links in an email.

Thanks I had got this email and clicked the link :wall: I'm usually always SOOO careful! Have NEVER fallen for an email scam before. Fortunately I could still log in and have now changed my password.

Thank you soooo much!
If you get emails from paypal like the one oldermum has mentioned go to the paypal website, if they are offering any promotional prizes they WILL have details of it on their website.

The thing with the one i posted is Paypal are running a comp like this, the comp is genuine but some scammer out there is sending this email out and it looks so genuine as the comp is real, but not if you go through the link on the email.
I got an email the other day from a paypal scammer....and the crazy thing about it was, it had an authentication box at the bottom (you know the grid thing) prove it was real....and you had to click through and type in the authorisation code and give them your bank PIN number (as if!!!), the authentication code was: NiceTry!!


Its unbeleivable how many different scams there are atm....DF's uncle had a letter saying he had won millions on the euro lottery, and he needed to send back a form with ALL of his personal details on, his next of kin details, and his bank details, then sign to authorise the release of funds. He filled it all in, and we only found out what he was about to do cos he phoned MIL to check she was ok with him putting her down as next of kin...she told him to phone DF, and we sent him loads of print offs explaining it was a scam....who knows how much money they would have taken if he'd sent it back!!

DF asked him how he thought he might have won the lottery in Spain when he hadn't been to Spain let alone entered into their lottery?! He thought it was something to do with euromillions, even though he hadn't played it for over a year and you don;t give your address details hen you play.....such a shame he nearlly fell for it....others do too as well, so frustrating :wall: [/b]
I get pay pal emails but i dont even have a account!

Jadie said:
I get pay pal emails but i dont even have a account!

If u look at the bottom of page there may be an unsubscribe link, or u can just report as junk and any emails will just go into ur junk mail :)
Jade, they are the scam ones. I get them as well, they are easy to spot as fakes as I don't have a paypal account either. It is because of this and due to problems people have had with paypal which is why I refuse to sign up for it and have only bidded on items where I can pay with personal cheque.
Download and install AVG - virus scanner that scans e-mails and let's you know there fake (links are still links but say "mailsource has detected xdfgljdls pretending to be" etc)

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