Ready, Steady........


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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6 months. Where has it gone? I'm all ready for tomorrow. I spent this morning peeling, chopping, steaming, blending and freezing Sweet Potato, Carrot and Butternut Squash.

However, I think we will go down the route of purees and BLW together and see how things go. I'm not going to worry about it too much as I think he will take well to food. I think he is probably ready now.

Main thing is, we did it. We got to 6 months and I am SO proud, more than I can ever describe. I'm buzzing inside.

I shall let you know how we get on. Tomorrow's first taste is going to be Pear & Apple Porridge.

Excited. :cheer:

PS. Happy 6 Months to my baby. This time 6 months ago I was having major contractions and getting ready to meet him. Amazing :D
:cheer: Happy 6 months :cheer:

And well done for reaching 6 months with just milk, you should be proud :)
As a newbie to this, I can imagine how pleased you are. I am after just one feed! Well done! :)
Nope!! Dont beleive he is 6mths already.... how quick has that gone by! :shock:

Happy 6mths Luke!!
:cheer: :cheer: Good luck.

We started yesterday - a couple of weeks early but she's been grabbing for our food now for at least 2 weeks!
yay!! that's brilliant news debbie....well done!!! :clap:
happy 6 months luke....that really has gone quickly!!!!! :shock:
Yay, well done you! How did he get on today Debbie?

Valentine Xxx
It all went well this morning. I made him his Pear & Apple porridge and gave him a tiny bit on a spoon. He didn't seem impressed at the first few tastes (which I know is normal) but he seemed to keep wanting to try more. It kept going in and coming back out again so no idea how much he had but let's just say that even with the little he did have, he didn't need to feed again from around 11am til 3.30pm today which NEVER happens! He's been fed only twice since 11am this morning. :shock:

I have to admit, I felt all emotional this morning. It felt very weird feeding him *food* and I did have a few tears. Hormones eh? ;)

We also gave him his first taste of water in a cup which took him a little while to realise he had to suck to get anything out and now he has the hang of it perfectly. I'm pleased to say though that he was more than happy to get his booby when we got home a little while ago (a rather big, hard one at that!) and so was Mummy :D

Matt is proud and bought me a little card, pair of heart shaped earrings and a cake (see below) to congratulate us on reaching 6 months... :)

Anyway, a few pics...

Before Brekkie



First Tastes


What goes in.. must come out..

I love how disgusted he looks...


IgglePiggle's Turn LMAO

My cake from Matt.. yes it is a pair of boobs! LMAO
The look on his face is priceless hun :rotfl:

I must admit i am with you on the feeling strange about giving 'food'. Even though i havent even started weaning Calleigh yet i am feeling a little sad that she will be getting food from somewhere else than me :(

Bless Matt for buying you a cake and gift :)
LOL I love the cake.

Well done debbie :) I love the fact IgglePiggle had a go too :rotfl:

Well done Luke as well :clap:
Happy 6 Month's Luke!! Bless him he look's sooooo cute!

Loving the cake lol!
Glad it went well hun. Awwww...bless matt buying you a pressie that's so thoughtful.

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