Ready Made Vs Powder


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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My gorgeous girl is 7 weeks and was exclusively bf up until 3 weeks, when she and I both developed thrush. I was so sore Hv suggested giving formula at night to allow my nipples to heal.

Poppy is a very demanding little lady and has decided her own routine of -

Boobie + top up of formula at 7 am
Boobie for the rest of the day until 4pm, at 4pm she has formula and then has boobie until bed which is 8-9 depending on how she feels and then has a formula at 2am.

We have been using ready made cartons as it was only intended as a short term solution. I wanted to go back to exclusively bf but Poppy had other ideas!! She loves boobie but seems to snack on me and have a formula feed to completely fill her tummy and then goes back to snacking.

Ready made cartons are a very expensive way of feeding so wondered if we could switch to powder (we are using hipp). I've heard some babies will drink the ready made but refuse the powder and I'm terrified switching to powder will make her constipated.

Does anyone have any advice or experience??

Wow, sorry that was a lot longer than intended, as you can probably guess I don't get to talk to many people :blush:
Cesca has been on formula since she was 2 days old. Had ready made for a few days then moved on to powder. Now she has powder at home and I have the ready made cartons for when I'm out and about :) (She's on Aptamil) Never had any problems with constipation, if she doesn't go one day I just give her some water and it all comes out :p lol xx
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you shouldbe fine, maybe intro one powder a feed a day over a few days? yep the ready made is v expensive. At 6 months we switched from bf onto aptimil powder and didnt have any constipation problems.
my hv said the cartons are sweeter than the powder due to the preservatives. you should be fine switching over Hun xx
When I had my 1st my HV said not to use cartons on a long term basis. Duno if that rule still applies theyre great for emergencies/going out

When I had my 1st my HV said not to use cartons on a long term basis. Duno if that rule still applies theyre great for emergencies/going out


A friend of mines little girl has to have the cartons rather than powder cause of her reflux. The milk from the cartons is thicker than the powder so stays down easier. So I think you can use them on a long term basis just works out very expensive. Luckily she gets hers on prescription xx
Its probs just what they used to say - it was 7 years ago so things bound to change since then

We used ready made for the first few days of expressing & formula combined feeding then switched to hipp powder with no problems. X
The cartons are fab! Really handy but do work out more expensive xx

Sent from my gorgeous iPhone 4S
Thanks so much ladies!

How are you making up the formula? The instructions say to boil kettle, leave to cool for 30mins, add powder and them allow bottle to cool to the right temperature. Surely this is impossible?!? Poppy goes from full to starving in seconds!

I used bottles for my son an even though it was only 3 years ago I can't really remember how we did it!

I think we used to boil the kettle, allow the water to cool. Once the water was cool enough we used to put it in the bottle and add the powder when needed. Is this still ok??

Does the formula need to be added to hot water or is cool boiled ok??
I thought the same rules applied to when I had my first which was making all feeds at one time & storing in fridge & heat in tub of boiled water - but i've since realised its different now :roll: I thought it would be impossible too, but you really need to follow the instructions on the tin to ensure no bacteria multiplies, even if u store made up bottles in fridge the bacteria multiplies & you need to be sure to put the powder & boiled water at the same time coz powder has bacteria & it can only be killed at 70 degrees.

Its a pain in the neck but i cant see a way round it tbh.

use thermas flask with hot water in ready to mix wait for it to cool slightly before putting in flask. I did this after i struggled with the kettle job.
I have made up my bottles all sorts of ways since giving up breastfeeding! I initially made up the milk and stored it in the fridge but felt bad about the fact that bacteria could make her ill. Now I pretty much make up my bottles fresh - my Poppy is like clockwork usually and I know when she'll need a feed so make it up about half an hour beforehand so it has time to cool. But just lately she's been unpredictable and super-hungry so I've been making up 2 bottles of water in advance just in case (add powder when needed), but will throw them away if they're not used within a couple of hours.
Cesca has been on formula since she was 2 days old. Had ready made for a few days then moved on to powder. Now she has powder at home and I have the ready made cartons for when I'm out and about :) (She's on Aptamil) Never had any problems with constipation, if she doesn't go one day I just give her some water and it all comes out :p lol xx

Same here! Although I don't breast feed xx


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