Re-usables - Convincing OH


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Has anyone had to work hard to convince their OH that re-usables are a good idea?? Mine is fairly open minded but said last night, if I can 'prove' they work then he'll try too. It's one thing he's not really been in full support of and it's bugging me silly as I feel like I'm on my own with it. My mum is the same, she used terry nappies on me and my sis and seems to be coming round to the idea of terries but not all-in-ones.

And if I use a reusable and he mixes in disposables, is that ok for bubs skin??
I'm sure it will be fine hun. I've ordered some reusables to use on Jacob during the day but I will still be using disposables at night until I learn to trust them during the day enough to start them at night :thumbup:
I think the only way to convince him is to prove how easy (I hope) they are to use and take it from there x tbh we're going to mix reusables and disposables for the first couple of weeks until we get used to the reusables and then go to using them full time x hopefully he'll see how easy they are and you can phase out the disposables x
Thanks! We have a load of newborn nappies OH's mum just kept buying so will probably use them first while we learn how to care for a baby :shock: We have a local scheme where we can get a sample pack for £12 for 5 different nappies so I think I'll go for that and see how we get on!!
thankfully my man is as adimant as i am on the idea of using re-usables
to pursuade him, i would probably mention the effect on the planet, as well as the fact that the chemicals they put in nappies are so ridiculously toxic that they can actually burn a childs skin if a nappy breaks

Oh and a little lookie online for 'minkee' nappies or WeeNotions usually gives some funky choices to help sway them :)
My OH was dead against them but i went and bought them anyway :rofl: He then said it was fine as long as i stick with it but he refused to change one. Now he thinks there great!! I always get my way lol xx
I am on my way to quite a selection of reusables, cos there are bound to be ones that we get on better with, DH already seems a bit more convinced with some over others... and as someone else said, I'm the one buying them :lol: once the disposables are gone/grown out of that I have got using vouchers I won't be buying anymore :D
I just bought reuseables and told OH we were using them he had no choice but I've heard him trying to convince his mate to convert

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