Rapid heart rate and palpitations!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2014
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I'm 5 +1 today, and I'm quite worried as I have a very fast heart rate and "missed beats" I was with the doctor on Monday and he listened to my heart and did my pulse and said all seems fine.
I should add I have had "missed beats" for years and I was taking a beta blocker that kept them under control but doctor took me off them now that I'm pregnant. It's worrying me is a rapid heart rate normal at the beginning of pregnancy? I don't remember having it with DD.
Your heart rate will pick up in pregnancy - I was averaging about 110 resting, up to 150-160 moving around last time. I was under the care of a cardiologist though (who did a few 48 hour monitorings) who wasn't bothered by it. So for me it was nothing to worry about, but speak to your dr/midwife about it xx
Mine is awful , I have an irregular heartbeat and have palpitations .. My heart I working hard and its thudding on occasions , I'm having palpitations daily .... But I panic when I have them and this sets off a vicious circle .. I'm mentioning it to my midwife.

I'm 16 weeks on Saturday and I feel breathless . I think its par for the course though
I have the 'thudding' all day! Every 10th or so beat, I had a 7 day holter monitor back in March and I'm now awaiting an appointment for the cardiologist! They told me they picked up ectopic beats but that's all I know. It's just that now I'm pregnant I'm really worried about them. Thanks for the replies girls! X

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