Rant warning


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2006
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This is probably going to turn into a bit of a rant and make no sense in parts, and it is actually ex-relationship (but the one with the father of my baby) so apologies. Just need to get this off my chest.

You may have read a couple of months back about me splitting with my bf when he hit me at 5 months pregnant. Well, he has provided me with no financial support whatsover since we split, even when he has known I have been having to scrape together money to pay basic bills and have been relying on my parents to help out with food and stuff. He keeps promising that he will give me some money but nothing ever materialises.

Oh and he seems to think we can get back together at some point like nothing ever happened. Wanker!

Then on msn the other day (the only way he ever seems to communicate with me) he had the cheek to ask if he could be there at the birth! I mean as bloody if!!! And he has changed his msn name to '2 months 2 go' referring to when the baby is due. I feel like I am being used as a host for this baby. None of his family seem to give a flying poo about me at the moment. Not one of them has rang to see if I am ok. I can bet his family are going to come crawling out from under their stones once the baby is born, but where has the support been so far?

He's on benefits so all I would get out of him by way of financial support is £5 a week. And do I really want someone who was violent towards me on 2 occasions, and lost his temper the last time in front of my 7 year old daughter, having any sort of access to my baby? But what can I do? I'm hoping the fact that he has two police cautions for assaulting me will make the courts decide he is not fit to see the baby unsupervised. But what if they don't and say he can have unsupervised access?

I'm now 9 weeks to go, rushing around trying to get everything sorted here for when the baby arrives. I'm supposed to be trying to take it easy and relax but how can I when I am having to do everything for myself? I should have a man here helping me really!

See I told you it would be a rant :rotfl:

Thanks for listening :wink:
Aw hun im sorry you're feeling like this :hug: :hug:

I dont think legally your ex has to give you any money until LO has been court, then i would ring the CSA and go through them to get money off him.

As for the cautions due to assult, i dont think he would be allowed unsupervised access, they always do whats best for the mother and you let them know you REALLY dont want him to have LO unsupervised!

Men are all tw*ts! Dont let him get to you hun :hug:

Im always here for you if you need to talk
Charlotte & Emily said:
I dont think legally your ex has to give you any money until LO has been court, then i would ring the CSA and go through them to get money off him.

Meant to say I don't really expect to get any money out of him, but when I have had to foot money for the phone bill he ran up here before he left which is coming out of the pitance the government give me, it would be only nice for him to pay me that back so I am at least straight... :?
ohhh hun im sorry your not having such a good time.

im sorry but he sounds like such a t*at!!!

i hope you feel better soon hun - you know where i am if you need to talk, sorry i havent been much help! :hug: :hug:

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