OMG I am sooooo angry right now!
I am a member of a freecyle group and someone posted on the chat bit to support breastfeeding awareness week by signing the manifesto. Well - what has happened now can only be described as a backlash!
The moderator of the group has said that breastfeeding is disgusting and BF in public is the same as having sex in public so we shouldn't do it! Also she has said that she would tell someone to stop if she saw them! Another poster added that BF mums can always go somewhere else and she "once saw a BF mum who got her boob out for all to see and it made her feel sick so much it put her off her food!!!!!"
I have written a huge response back and I am now so angry!!!!!!!!!!! * I won't put it here as it was Looong and I am sure you know the kind of thigs I would have said! (babies need to feed you don't need to have sex, if you don't like it look the other way, how would you like to eat your meal in a bog, etc!)
I don't know if you can see this but it may be worth some of you pro breastfeeders to sign up so that we can "educate " this edjit!!!!! ... ssage/1850