Random Screaming and padding

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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I think alisha has found her screaming voice as she does random and nothing is wrong with her.Is this all about her finding her voice.

Now i thought it was suppose to be terrible 2s not 1s alisha has started having paddies when she does get something she wants i.e my laptop and she will just scream and get herself worked up the padding does not work tbh

But when your little ones have a paddy what you do?
It doesn't happen very often but we just ignore it if it does happen and he stops quickly. He tends to sulk more than tantrum though tbh. Also he's started looking to see if anyone is going to have any sympathy before he starts a tantrum.
Oscar does this too. He has total tantrums and meltdowns about not getting his own way. I just look him straight n tell him he can scream all he wants but he's not allowed lol

I do try and distract him with something else but I don't back down or change my mind, no is no. It's frustrating because he doesn't understand what is being said to him n that but you have to start now to set the foundations for disciplining later on.
Believe me the paddy's they have are nothing, wait until she is 3!! I found my daughter most challenging at that age, as they can really answer back and have some attitude to but it can still be difficult to reason with them at that age. She is much better now she is almost 5, as I can reason with her now :)

I agree with the above, I used to make sure I would say no and make it very clear that they could not have it etc and ignore the behaviour, at that age they soon forget they are even having a paddy and it usually ends quite quickly once they find they aren't getting attention for the bad behaviour xx

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