

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Do you encounter a lot of racist attitudes where you live?

Cos I was just sat watching Obama on TV and thinking about it. I'd consider myself fairly lucky in the area that I am in, I don't see/hear racism. People of all colours and religions live in same areas work in the same offices. I'm sure maybe there are people near me who are but it doesn't seem to be on the surface level.

I mean it's completely stupid isn't it. Why on earth does anyone see us as different. We're all the same aren't we. I just don't understand how it can be an issue. Do you think Obama being president will have a positive affect for racial relations in the US and across the world? Not that I think that is the reason he was/should of been elected. I just wonder if it will have an affect.

Anyway I just wondered as i've been sat pondering it. Not sure i'll ever understand someone with racist attitude though no matter how much I try to :|
I dont get people who are racist at all! I have been lucky enough not to even witness it, not that I can remember anyways :think:

To be honest tho, it is only in the last maybe 2-3yrs that Aberdeen has become a more multi-cultural place
Where i live, nobody really gives a damn. it's such a rural area for a start, but during the Troubles, it became a kind of melting pot for everyone who didn't fit in in the rest of the province. There was actually an anthropological study done, because, like I said, the rest of NI were burning people out of houses etc, and down here everyone was just like "pffffft"

It's the same with racism. There's plenty of Chinese,Polish and Lithuanians, occasionally there will be one or two comments made, but generally,nobody really cares, as long as there's a pub to go to.
I have encountered it in the past, as I had a foster brother who was the only Black kid in our town and the surrounding towns! That was when I was tiny though.

I've found that a lot of it stems from people being uneducated not knowing about different cultures and races etc, and not coming across anything but what they know whilst growing up. There is, in my town a LOT of "My parents did it, so I'll just be the same thank-you kindly" :roll:

But then, I come from the Scottish Centre of Sectarianism - so a lot of the trouble we see has nothing to do with the colour of your skin, but which religion you are!

My ex was a bit of a biggot and racist, but that stems from his upbringing, and I hated it, if he EVER tries to force his views on Mhairi I'll have his bits for earrings!
I see a bit of racism. Both intentional and societal (by that I mean OH's dad will use a derogatory term for Asians, ot because he believes he is superior by being white but because alot of his friends etc do - still very wrong and one we are forever correcting him on)Where I live it is a predominately white area and some of the comments I have heard directed towards others is very sad. OH also hears a lot of it at work, people will say all sorts of things about Eastern Europeans esp Polish not knowing what his surname is :roll:
A few years back my Ex was a victim of a racist attack (we are both white) He was literally sitting down eating his chips after a night out when a black guy went up to him punched him in his face cracking his cheek bone. I stood up and asked what the hell he was doing and he gave me loads of racist abuse telling me he would stab me and to "shut up you white bitch".. Do you know what annoyed me most? He still got served his bloody chips! As per usual the police didnt want to know.

Unfortunately there are a lot of assaults on white people that go unnoticed as "racism" as its just that.. an attack on a white person. If it was the other way round then it would be considered racist..

Its all such rubbish, shouldnt matter what colour you are.

Claire x
nori said:
Unfortunately there are a lot of assaults on white people that go unnoticed as "racism" as its just that.. an attack on a white person. If it was the other way round then it would be considered racist..

Its all such rubbish, shouldnt matter what colour you are.

Claire x

I don't see how that wouldn't be classed as a racist attack though :?
Sweetcheeks24 said:
nori said:
Unfortunately there are a lot of assaults on white people that go unnoticed as "racism" as its just that.. an attack on a white person. If it was the other way round then it would be considered racist..

Its all such rubbish, shouldnt matter what colour you are.

Claire x

I don't see how that wouldn't be classed as a racist attack though :?

If a group of white people beat up a single asian man or woman then that is often considered as a possible racist attack. If a group of asians beat up a single white person then racism is often not even mentioned. I gave up reading the local paper of where i used to live as it used to p!ss me off!
Where i live there is mainly a lot of polish people and i live right near a massive new mosque so there is a big muslim community, tbh there isnt a lot of racism we have a big mix of races and cultures and everyone is used to it and gets along. A lot of racism that i have noticed is actually amongst the teens and its actually muslim on white..i heard a group of teens on the bus one day talking about how they wouldnt go with a white girl and that there are too many white people having babies. I didnt really take much notice because they sounded very poorly educated and what they were spouting possibly came from older generations who have thouse thought but know better than to spout them in public. In the most part we all get along..you always get the odd old person at the bus stop moaning that "these immigrants have taken all our jobs etc" but i am always quick to point out if the lazy arse locals had got off there arses and secured them jobs first then a hard working person from another country wouldn't have had a job to apply for in the first place. They soon shut up when they realise i am not playing ball!!!
where i used to live was hugely racist (inner london), here not as bad (surrey)

my old place of work was a magnet for trouble lol, i had a (black) guy in the queue sayin really loudly 'thats it, serve the white folk and not the n*ggers' cos I was helpin a little old (white) lady count her change - thats playin the race card and it winds me up cos its not necassery. but then u could also get it the other way round with white ppl thinkin theyre 'superior' to minorities etc

dunno, theres idiots in every colour and creed, its not tarnishin all people with the same brush but its unfair how a few will spoil it for everyone else.

and all this hoo ha about strictly come dancin bein racist?! rubbish, if u cant dance then u go home i thought was the gist of the show, not what colour ur skin is!!
mummykay said:
dunno, theres idiots in every colour and creed, its not tarnishin all people with the same brush but its unfair how a few will spoil it for everyone else.

I agree.. :clap:

One thing i did notice when i used to hang around with a friend who was muslim was the racism that goes on between muslims and sikhs.. this really surprised me. I also saw a documentary about certain areas of london where you literally couldnt cross the road. God im glad i dont live in a place like that.. that would be scary!

Claire x
I remember being called a Nazi, Hitler lover, and to fuck off back to my homeland. This was all because I lived in Germnay for a while as my dad was in the Army. Reinforced it to me that ignorance, stupidity, and racism go hand in hand.

Dinski, that made me feel so sad, how anyone can have so little regard for someone just because of their faith is beyond me.
Racist people usually have very little minds. Has anyone ever encountered an intelligent,rational racist?

Also, does it annoy anyone else when people go "I'm not racist....But I think all the (insert nationality here) should go home!"

Cause to me, that's a subtle,veiled form of racism
beanie said:
I remember being called a Nazi, Hitler lover, and to f**k off back to my homeland. This was all because I lived in Germnay for a while as my dad was in the Army. Reinforced it to me that ignorance, stupidity, and racism go hand in hand.

Dinski, that made me feel so sad, how anyone can have so little regard for someone just because of their faith is beyond me.

Lol, I used to get called a commie/russian spy because I am part Ukrainian. In a nasty way. But that was in school. In the village they call me The Communist as a term of endearment
Theres loads of racism where I live :lol: :lol: :lol: English and Spanish people seem to have issues with each other. Ironically its the English I'm most ashamed off. A lot of English here isolate themselves into their gated communities where there may or may not be a single Spaniard, refuse to learn Spanish beyond a few simple words, complain that all the systems are in Spanish, i.e. the banks give their statements to them in Spanish, the government offices only speak Spanish, the police and the doctors only speak Spanish... might have something to do with living in Spain ??? Duh!!! Oh and the bloke that cut me up going round the WRONG FRIGGIN WAY round a round about, turned around and called me a fking foreigner cos he thought I was Spanish.... I mean WHOS the fking foreigner, I shouted back in my best English accent... :rotfl: :rotfl:

So I can understand how the Spaniards get a tad annoyed... but at the same time... I've come to this country, work here, pay my taxes, HAVE actually bothered to learn the language, and I get tarred with the same brush as all the other English here... and that gets right up my nose... Its not fair at all. So its six and 2 threes... am I more p!ssed off with the Spaniards or the English?

When I lived in London though I was attacked in broad daylight by this man who was screaming "You fkin white honky bitch... I'm going to fk you up, you honkys think you own the fking place"... because I looked at him the wrong way apparently. my face was a mess afterwards, and he spat in my face/eyes so I needed an AIDS test... It wasn't a racist attack though apparently and it took the police 24 hours to come and see me :roll:

But tbh, I just think humans are nasty creatures whatever their colour or creed and should be wiped from the face of the planet... there have only ever been a few honest, truly unselfish humans on this planet in a human history of billions, and some evil git comes along an kills them off early usually.... as DH says I am not a racist I just hate everyone :rotfl: :rotfl: Humans are b*stard coated b*stards with b*stard filling :rotfl: can you tell I'm in a negative mood today :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I hope Obama does live up to peoples expectations in terms of racism, war, tolerance but sadly he is just a man and a human man at that.
:rotfl: at squiglet but you're right at humans being a bunch of selfish b*strds, no matter what race, religion, colour, sex, culture.
Squiglet said:
Theres loads of racism where I live :lol: :lol: :lol: English and Spanish people seem to have issues with each other. Ironically its the English I'm most ashamed off. A lot of English here isolate themselves into their gated communities where there may or may not be a single Spaniard, refuse to learn Spanish beyond a few simple words, complain that all the systems are in Spanish, i.e. the banks give their statements to them in Spanish, the government offices only speak Spanish, the police and the doctors only speak Spanish... might have something to do with living in Spain ??? Duh!!! Oh and the bloke that cut me up going round the WRONG FRIGGIN WAY round a round about, turned around and called me a fking foreigner cos he thought I was Spanish.... I mean WHOS the fking foreigner, I shouted back in my best English accent... :rotfl: :rotfl:

So I can understand how the Spaniards get a tad annoyed... but at the same time... I've come to this country, work here, pay my taxes, HAVE actually bothered to learn the language, and I get tarred with the same brush as all the other English here... and that gets right up my nose... Its not fair at all. So its six and 2 threes... am I more p!ssed off with the Spaniards or the English?

When I lived in London though I was attacked in broad daylight by this man who was screaming "You fkin white honky bitch... I'm going to fk you up, you honkys think you own the fking place"... because I looked at him the wrong way apparently. my face was a mess afterwards, and he spat in my face/eyes so I needed an AIDS test... It wasn't a racist attack though apparently and it took the police 24 hours to come and see me :roll:

But tbh, I just think humans are nasty creatures whatever their colour or creed and should be wiped from the face of the planet... there have only ever been a few honest, truly unselfish humans on this planet in a human history of billions, and some evil git comes along an kills them off early usually.... as DH says I am not a racist I just hate everyone :rotfl: :rotfl: Humans are b*stard coated b*stards with b*stard filling :rotfl: can you tell I'm in a negative mood today :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I hope Obama does live up to peoples expectations in terms of racism, war, tolerance but sadly he is just a man and a human man at that.

Hahahaha you just said the sort of thing I always think
Squiglet said:
When I lived in London though I was attacked in broad daylight by this man who was screaming "You fkin white honky bitch... I'm going to fk you up, you honkys think you own the fking place"... because I looked at him the wrong way apparently. my face was a mess afterwards, and he spat in my face/eyes so I needed an AIDS test... It wasn't a racist attack though apparently and it took the police 24 hours to come and see me :roll:

That exactly what i meant in my first post.. can you imagine the uproar if it was the other way round!
Yes, the indian community are disgustingly racist here. They roam around in packs and make you feel intimidated and treat you like shit their shoe. They also think they can grab and grope white women freely. I hate it. Luckily i am moving house to a really out in the sticks place where i can get away from all that!

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