Quinny Speedi - help needed please..


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Can't remember if it was Jools who had this and was PM'ing me before so thought i'd post it here in case I was wrong :oops:

Anyway I got my quinny speedi today but find it really confusing on how to recline and put back up the seat :doh: It's got a strap bit on the back of the seat with a clip around it, am I meant to tighten that to sit the seat up and release it to lower the seat? If so then does the seat not sit right up? Hope i'm making sense here :lol:

Also the raincover.. doesn't seem to attach to anything so kinda just sits over the top of the pushchair.. is that right? I'm thinking on a windy day it might blow off :doh:

THANKS :hug:
Sorry I have only just seen this!

Yes it was me :D :wave:

Right, the seat does sit upright but it's a pain in the ass really! The cord on the back, well it is like a drawstring but I find that if you pull each side separately it works a bit better! Hope that makes sense to you!

Also the raincover should have a bit of velcro at the bottom at the front? I wrap that around the footrest bit and the it should zip around the handle too!

It's really hard to describe so I hope it makes sense! :lol:
I have one too!!

My rain cover doesnt have velcro tho :think:

It has two clips that clip on to the bottom - near the feet and then goes over the top of the buggy and down the back and has 3 poppers at either side

Hope that makes sence.

With regards to the clip - put some vaseline on it - makes it sooooooo much easier!!
Yes you both understood me spot on.. I will try pulling one side at a time Jools and see if that works and I have the velco one same as you, manaed to zip it round the handles but I still think it's rubbish as wind goes straight inside pushchair :roll:

Thanks girls :hug:

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