Quinny Buzz?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Im going to look at a quinny buzz tomorrow, its for sale for 35! Does anyone have one? Pros and Cons? Things I should look out for? And will it fit older kids? I dont wanna buy another one in 6 months :roll:
I have the buzz 4 and I love it. It's lightweight and easy to get around with and easy to pack in the car. The only downside for me is the size of the shopping basket, it's a generous base size but because of the frame you can'jt stack too high, but that is such a tiny little problem it really isn't much bother at all.

£35 is a bargain!!
Sorry meant to say it should be ok as LO gets older. My LO is tall and he fits in comfortably with plenty of growing room and i see alot of the buzz's around with older children and they fit fine and look comfy xxx
Thanks, Im not sure which year it is, Ive had a google but no help!
I see alot of them around, older and newer models and all are nice. And if it's buzz 3, but you wanted to upgrade to 4 think the replacement wheels are only about £30 so you would still be getting a bargain!
We have the buzz 3 and although lo isn't here yet, we lovvvves it. It's fab to move around and easy to pop up etc.x
yeah, that's the buzz 3. You can get the wheels to make it buzz 4 online.

http://www.kiddicare.com/webapp/wcs..._mmc=Froogle-_-Shopping Sites-_-CPC-_-Froogle

Loads of people of the single front wheel, but I've read that some people find it unsteady that way. But tbh it must just be personal preference coz there is alot of the 3's around and I've never seen anyone having a problem with manouvering it around!
Thanks maria il give it ago with the 3 though!

I heard that the 2007 model gets outgrown quickly? something they fixed in the 2008 one apparently, but i still cant work out what this one is lol
Just wanted agree with the others saying that I love my Quinny :) I have the buzz 3 like the one in the photo.

Your right about them fixing the seat. They now have an extra seat so you can attached a bigger one once they outgrow the smaller one. My lo is 16 months and hasn't outgrown the smaller one though. I like that it's easy to put up and she can be rear facing.
Hi girls, Got my quinny buzz today! Its not perfect, needs a good wipe down but I love it already! Took me a good hour to work out how to tilt the seat thought!! She already has her feet at the end of the footrest >.< so i might have to get the bigger seat. Anyone know where i can order it from?

Also.. The front wheel "sticks" doesnt spin proper, can i just oil it do you think?

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