quick question about scan 2moro!


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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do i need a full bladder or not?

i'd look it up but im actually very lazy, cant be bothered, and im going to bed in a minute

:sleep: :sleep:
:sleep: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
i was told to empty my bladder for my 20 week scan. Apperently you only need it in the 12 week scan as a full bladder helps show clearer results, but by 20 weeks there is enough of baby and amniotic fluid to show stuff clearly and a full bladder can actually give inaccurate readings. but i know some women are still asked for a full bladder.
good luck kim i bet your so excited (hell im excited for you if your not!), let us know the results, and photos asap :hug: :D .
If your not sure your better off going with a full one then, cos you can always empty it there and then.. Much harder to fill it up quickly lol
ok thank youuu everyone

raynor... u wont believe how giddy i am lol
i feel like a 6yr old kid on xmas eve!!
had a bath early, got my pjs on... really does feel like xmas eve cos im gettin up early lol :cheer:
I didnt have to but by the time I got there it was full anyway cos it doesnt take much :lol: but when i rang they said no theres no need. Wonder why different hospitals say different? :think:
no u dont really need to worry with 20 week scan, they ask for full bladder when baby is very small like at 12 week as the full bladder pushes the uterus up out of pelvus more and so its easier to find. by 20 weeks baby has no chance of hiding :rotfl:

my last 20 week scan i went for a pee just before i went in and they still found baby fine
My hospital says you have to have a full bladder. when i had my 20 week scan with aidan they actually sent me out to drink more as my bladder wasn't full enough.
omg ive been awake since 3.30am!!
just had a shower, came downstairs and ive been sick with excitement!!!
omfg!!!!!!! 2 hours to gooooooooooooo
awwwww bless u! I bet u get up this early on xmas too lol. What time u gonna be able to let us all know?

i dont know yet! scans at 9 but ill probably end up going shopping!

ill text a couple of people and they'll let u know how its gone... but then i wanna announce the sex myself when i get back :dance:
i guessed u might lol.. kim u dont need a full bladder.. actually going in there with a full bladder will make ur scan painfull...i had my 12 week scan with an empty bladder lol..plus ur further than dead on 20 weeks..have a wee before u leave the house and just take a drink with you so u have a bit in there.. u cant possibly hold ur wee in for 30+ mins.. most women will tell u their 20 week scans last more than 30 mins mine lasted 1 hour 20 mins lol.. i was almost peeing myself by then...lol..
lisa&alex said:
i guessed u might lol.. kim u dont need a full bladder.. actually going in there with a full bladder will make ur scan painfull...i had my 12 week scan with an empty bladder lol..plus ur further than dead on 20 weeks..have a wee before u leave the house and just take a drink with you so u have a bit in there.. u cant possibly hold ur wee in for 30+ mins.. most women will tell u their 20 week scans last more than 30 mins mine lasted 1 hour 20 mins lol.. i was almost peeing myself by then...lol..

ill have a wee before i go then.. and take a bottle of water with me and im doing the coke trick to try get it moving and not have its legs crossed!!
grab a packet of fruit pastles too lol.. i had ribina.. and i didnt have to go bk again to have things re-done which is quite common as they sometimes dont get to see everything...

on a grim note.. my husbands trying to kill me.. he cut shropshire blue cheese on the work serface.. left it everywhere..crumbly bits...looks like doritos!! i dont think he realised how dangerous blue vein cheese actually is to me.. minger!!!
oh plus... the real reason isnt that he didnt clean the mess up after him.. im used to that.. its the fact that its mouldy cheese!! err get away!!
When I went it said to go for a wee an hour before the appointment & then drink a pint of water.

Good luck - can't wait to hear your news- not long now :dance:

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