

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hello Everyone

Well it's implantation day today (if the egg is fertilized), so I was just wandering if this is the case, when do you start to get any symptoms if you are pregnant?

Also when should I test, I have 2 Clearblue Digital Tests and they are expensive, so don't want to waste them? I have had a headache last night, feeling tired and had only small cramps, very light and only last around 5 mins

AF is due in 6 days time....

Donna xx
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Hi hun,
wishing you all the best luck that it happens for you.
I'm afraid I can not give you any advice on this, but just didn't want to leave without leaving my best wishes.
*fingers crossed* for you xx
I started to get implantation cramps 10 days after O and they stayed on & off ever since, along with sore boobs etc.

So good Luck :dust:
I had cramping coming up toward my LMP, quite sore.. Took a test 1 day late and got a BFN.. Took me until day 10 to get my BFP! So I would buy some cheapies if you are wanting to test as early as possible.. x
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I had cramping about a week after OV - no spotting but I knew what the cramping was. I got a faint positive 6 days before AF :)
Thanks for all the advice

I have just ordered a pack of 2 pregnancy tests off Ebay for £3.50, so once they arrive I might try one as my AF is due in 6 days time

Here's me symptom spotting now lol

Donna xx
Hi hun i had really bad cramping 2 weeks before af was due, was suffering headaches and felt really tired, boobs also a little sore got some cheapies off ebay and did 3 on the day af was due got bfp with all 3 but that wasnt enough so bought a clearblue digital and came up pregnant 2-3 weeks so i'm about 4 weeeks and 2 days yeay!! Hope this helps and wishing you all the luck xxxx
Wishing you good luck with the tests, let us know any news won't you! JJ
Thank you everyone

I think I will test 4 days before AF is due, on wednesday if that aint too early??

I don't fell pregnant and aint got many signs, so it just maybe me looking for symptoms lol I want to be pregnant!! Please let this be my month

Keep you all updated..

Donna xx
Baby lover, good plan, I got a BFP 4 days before with a digital Clearblue and got a 1-2 week since OV sign, but I guess everyone is different when they will get a BFP with the different tests.

Fingers crossed- JJ
Thanks for that.

I am going to wait for my cheap ones off ebay to come and then test, they should be here tomorrow...i know it's going to be a BFN, it always is..

Fingers and toes are crossed lol

Donna xx
Another question!

Q) All my symptoms have now gone and got nothing at all, just feel normal, no aches or cramps and I normally get them around now ready for when my period is due (due on 24th January) strange? I have heard that you can get no symptoms and still be pregnant, but not getting my hopes up lol
Do you think I could be pregnant?

Thanks everyone for the advice before

Donna xx

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