Questions about spotting?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hey Everyone

I am so confused about the whole spotting thing...

Does everyone spot slightly when they are pregnant before they get their BFP?

Is it brown, really light light pink?

When does it happen? and until when?

Just heard so many stories on the internet, but when i ask my mum, sister and sister in laws they all said they have never had spotting for their pregnancies...

Share stories pregnant ladies or mums already

Donna x
Good question!! I'd like to know that too. I never have any spotting, but then i've never been pregnant either. Will I definitely get some if i am?

I wondered the same thing.

I read that only 20% of women will have any spotting , although from reading on here it seems more common so I'm not convinced!
All i can tell you is what i've read and inferred...

It happens to approximately a third of women and it tends to be a very small amount of brown or pink discharge.

The confusion starts because women can also bleed a mini period when they are due even thought they are pregnant, which is automatically assumed to be implantation or miscarriage when it isn't.

Bleeding during eary pregnancy can also be due to sex bursting the engorged blood vessels, which is also harmless but confused with implantation.

I would have thought that it is genetic whether you experience implantation bleeding or not, so if your family experienced it then you are more likely.

That said, back 20+ years ago they weren't aware of symptoms before a misssed period so they might have had it and forget because they didn't think anything of it.

I think a lot of women seem to have it on ttc forums because they are looking for it and confusing it with other things.
I never spotted with any of my pregnancies xxx
I know alot of other people who didn't get spotting

You either bleed for a period or bleed for a miscarriage, I have heard you can have a bleed and still be pregnant, but my doctor said that is very rare and very unlikely....

Donna x
In my experience...with my chemical/mmc whatever it was i spotted from 7dpo roughly until AF but unfortunatley

she arrived even though i had positive tests. I have always looked out for spotting thinking it could be

implantation...but you know this time around i never spotted...not once! Implantation bleeding is from about the

earliest ive heard 5 dpo? the latest 12 maybe? not quite sure on that. I hope you get a bfp this month hun :)

sending you lots of baby dust xxx
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I have never had any spotting. My friend had a 2 day period and she was pregnant so i think it is different for every girl? xxx
I had a bleed which lasted just over a day. I originally thought it was AF, so when it stopped so quickly I did a test. Was completely amazed when the test came up positive. That was about 10 days ago now and it's still not sunk in.

I think it varies from woman to woman.

Good luck hun. Sending you lots of baby dust.

I had a bleed which lasted just over a day. I originally thought it was AF, so when it stopped so quickly I did a test. Was completely amazed when the test came up positive. That was about 10 days ago now and it's still not sunk in.

I think it varies from woman to woman.

Good luck hun. Sending you lots of baby dust.


Was yours a light bleed or heavy? Also did you get your usual preiod cramps....?

Donna x
I had a bleed which lasted just over a day. I originally thought it was AF, so when it stopped so quickly I did a test. Was completely amazed when the test came up positive. That was about 10 days ago now and it's still not sunk in.

I think it varies from woman to woman.

Good luck hun. Sending you lots of baby dust.


Was yours a light bleed or heavy? Also did you get your usual preiod cramps....?

Donna x

It was light really. To start with it was as heavy as I normally am when AF came so had no reason to believe it was anything other than AF arriving. Normally by day 2 it starts to get heavier but it didn't, it was always brown blood too (sorry if TMI).
Didn't get any period cramps that month but they don't normally start until AF gets heavier.
The only thing that was slightly different for me was my boobs. They were sore from when I got my positive OPK. My boobs don't normally get sore until about a week before AF is due, then they stop the day AF arrives. They were and still are extremely sore at times.


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