question re: braxton hicks/contractions


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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Hi Girls,
since last night Ive frequently had what I think are braxton hicks, they seem quite regular but are not painful. They are uncomfortable, and Im finding it hard to breath properly. Last night my mother and gran reckoned that they didnt think I was going to last until my due date the way Im going.
Anyway after more this afternoon I finally decided that I would see if I could find any info on the difference between braxtons and proper contractions. Found this site ... ons_156.bc and it says to be checked if you have more than four in an hour. I would try to time them but I can feel them coming on (from the breathing issues they are giving me) but I cant feel them easing off as such.

Any idea whats going on or what I should do? Im only 33 weeks!

Also, just as a panic, what would happen if they did turn to labour ones? Would the baby be ok?
Hiya, firstly if you did go into labour early at 33/34 weeks the survival chance for your baby is very high (over 95%). Also as far as braxton hicks are concerned I personally had loads of then in my last trimester especially at night when I was relaxing or in bed, some of then really uncomfortable. If they are proper contractions they should regulate and will eventually be a lot more painful than a BH, you will definately know the difference :wink: Keep your eye out for other labour symptons if you are concerned e.g. losing your plug, leaking etc. However if you are concerned you should maybe give your MW or Dr a call and have a check up for peace of mind.
I'd try not to worry too much hun :hug: :hug:

If you do get any other symptons or they start to become really regular and more painful, I'd contact your midwife or GP to be checked over :hug:
I had a bath and it seems to have eased them, although I did get a couple of aches with them when running the bath. Think Ive had about 3 in the past hour so its not too bad. not sure Im gonna last six weeks though
If they are easing off in the bath then they are not oproepr contractions. If you are ever worried though you can ring your midwife or the delivery suite - they would much prefer to reassure you then you sit at home and worry. :hug:

And if it's any consolation, my midwife said from about 36 weeks she thought my baby was going to be early and each appointment she made she said she expected it to be visiting me at home with baby present. And here I am overdue and midwife is coming round to do a sweep later today! :roll:
BH started around 27/28 weeks for me and they were strong but irregular. uncomfortable but painless. by 33 weeks id get them constantly, especially if i was busy, walked or stood up too quickly. and my LO arrived 5 days late.
I know what you mean about feeling them come on but not ease off. mine were the same.
BH are nothing to worry about, its good practise for your uterus, my doc told me some women have them from the begining of pregnancy. eeek!

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