Question for those under 20 weeks..


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Just being nosey really.. :D Are you planning on finding out what flavour you are having at your 20 week scan.
We are not but i must say for some one who wants a surprise (well hubby more than me) ive tried every prediction thing possible, also the ring test, heart beat theory and old wives tales! :rotfl:
im sure ill need tape for my mouth at my scan to stop me asking!

Also i one found this fab site showing you boy/girl scan pics to compare your but cant find it now. Any ideas? Obviously you look for a winkle for boys but how do they know if its a girl?
As you can tell i also plan to play detective at my scan..god im sad. :rotfl:
Im going to be finding out, would drive me mad not knowing for the whole pregnancy lol. Only 2 weeks to go :cheer: :cheer: I done all the online tests and old wifes tales last time and they were right, done them this time aswell but I don't know yet if they're right :lol:

Here is a website where you can see boy/girl scans ... ultras.htm
Sonographer pointed out the bits, but to be honest it could have been anything I was looking at. I did have a feeling that it might be a girl deep down tho, but wouldn't have bought anything pink until now.

Oh and I've got really hairy legs (yeah I know tmi) and loads of spots on my face and back, which I thought would mean a boy because of male hormones or something :?

That probably didn't answer your question but thought I'd share anyway
Rachel your a star! :D That was the site ive been looking for. Thank u.x
I really want to know but they dont tell you up here :(
Oh and I have decided not to go for a private scan though, far too expensive.
I'm not going to fidn out but a part of me would love to. It'll be a great surprise not knwoing though. Everyone keeps telling me it's going to be a girl. I change my mind weekly, usuallly according what sex the nicest outfit I've seen that week is for!

Alex xxx
I'll be finding out. I found out with my son so will find out with this one. I'm to impatient to wait :lol:
I intend to find out neat week, though everything seems to tell me its a boy so if it's a girl will be a shock lol. I dont do suprises well so i like to plan and knowing what i'm having will allow me to plan lol

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