Haven't posted here before but thought you might be able to offer your advice.
First off I don't use opks any more, got way too stressed about ttc. I think I ov judging by cm around Wednesday last week, could have been earlier so I'm around 8-10 dpo.
I have these symptoms -
Nausea from Tuesday
Cramps yesterday evening
Huge bbs today, veins very visible
This afternoon my stomach is VERY swollen. I look like I'm 6 months pregnant.
Very little cm, I usually get loads around now but I'm almost dry most of the time.
I've done two tests with fmu and got BFNs. I thought that if I were having pregnancy symptoms I would get BFP...did you get pregnancy symptoms and BFNs then BFPs?
Also, last af was very short and strange...anyone had BFNs and bleeding but later found out they were pregnant?
Sorry it's so long, you know what the 2ww is like
Thanks so much
Haven't posted here before but thought you might be able to offer your advice.
First off I don't use opks any more, got way too stressed about ttc. I think I ov judging by cm around Wednesday last week, could have been earlier so I'm around 8-10 dpo.
I have these symptoms -
Nausea from Tuesday
Cramps yesterday evening
Huge bbs today, veins very visible
This afternoon my stomach is VERY swollen. I look like I'm 6 months pregnant.
Very little cm, I usually get loads around now but I'm almost dry most of the time.
I've done two tests with fmu and got BFNs. I thought that if I were having pregnancy symptoms I would get BFP...did you get pregnancy symptoms and BFNs then BFPs?
Also, last af was very short and strange...anyone had BFNs and bleeding but later found out they were pregnant?
Sorry it's so long, you know what the 2ww is like

Thanks so much