Question about sore boobs!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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I've had really sore boobs for the past few days but not sure if it is a sign of a BFP or AF due to start. As I've never been pregnant before, I'm not sure what to look out for! :whistle:

Can anyone describe what pain/discomfort they experienced when they were pregnant? Lol, sorry this probably sounds like a very silly question!! I had very sore nipples yesterday and earlier today but this evening the underside of my breasts are feeling like they are bruised and aching. I don't remember them being this uncomfortable before AF previously. Is this a positive sign or am I getting carried away??! :shock:

Thanks for any advice you may be able to give me :)
Don't want to get ur hopes up but I would say this is a possitve sign this is always the first sign I get when are you due to test? Fx for you x
Ooh thanks janebell - I'm really not sure what to think lol. Have you experienced the same symptoms? I don't know whether 7dpo is too early to be getting symptoms (my luteal phase is about 9 days). I was going to test tomorrow but may leave it a few days longer and see if AF shows up.

My boobs always hurt before af, but wen I got my bfp my nipples hurt instead of my boobs 5 days before af was due.

Fingers x for u

Hi Amber, thanks for your reply. I woke up this morning with stomach ache and feeling very bloated - I think AF is definitely on her way :-(
Boobs are a hard one because everyones experiecne is so different. Some people don't get any discomfort at all when they find out they have a BFP and others like me have been pregnant with absolutely excruciatingly sore boobs! (although my pgs ended in mc)

I think the key thing perhaps is if something is different for you. i.e some ladies say they only get sore nipples and then on their pg cycles they get soreness all over the boob area and into the armpit.

Sadly I dont think it means that much (apart from a good progesterone level from a strong ovulation) because from what i have found there have been months where my boobs are so so sore, and AF arrives bang on schedule. Although, I am trying not to get my hopes up this month as my boobs are ridiculously painful - it always makes you feel you could be! x
hey sweety my boobs are sore for ages from ov to AF, when i was pregnant though they fucking killed me especially if my nips got cold and stood on end! argh it was murder defo much sorer than usual BUT everyone is different xx

i hope its a good sign hun
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Thanks Lara & Lynette - FX we all get our BFPs soon xxx
At the very least the sore boobs means you have nice high progesterone levels so a good eggy must have cracked off! Just gotta hope it caught. If it doesn't feel free to blame OH - that's what I do!!
Fx for you hun! Would be a nice belated birthday pressie. When are you going to test?
Thanks Fliss - I didn't know sore boobs meant high progesterone levels :-)
Not sure when I am going to test - AF should be due in the next few days so if it hasn't showed up I will probably test towards the end of the week. I'm not sure if I would get a positive yet as only 8dpo - do you think it's too early to test? My luteal phase is usually only about 9 days xxx
Mine always ache few days before af. When i started ttc i noticed shooting pains and got hopes up. Now i get them every month. Am more atuned to body so notice symptoms i never felt before. This month boobs sore 5 days before. Will wait and see.

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