Sore boobs!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2007
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I have really sore boobs and have done since just after ovulation. This doesnt normally happen to me, Its probably just psychological as I am symptom spotting more than ever, but they are getting increasingly more tender as the days go by, especially the left one! :oops: My nipples seem to be really bright red today too! lol. I can really notice the pain when I move around or lie on my front.

My question is to those of you have been pregnant before, how soon did you notice that your boobs were tender, was it before your BFP or around the same time/after?

Im still 7 days off AF/testing so it doesnt seem like pre-menstrual soreness.
i noticed that i had sore nipples about 5 days before i was due on, but i thought nothing of it. also my nipples seemes to be larger than normal.
i had sore boobs around the time of BFP but.. i also had sore boobs last month but no BFP :wall:
It's quite common to get sore boobs at the time you ovulate. I always do too but only in my right breast :)

I had sore nipples when I was pg with my first child, I got that 2/3 days before my AF was due.
My boobs are still really sore and getting sorer. I ovulated over a week ago now. Obviously Im hoping its a pregnancy sign, I keep getting twinges in my abdomen too, but its probably just wishful thinking.
hope its a good sign for ya :hug:
when are you testing?
Not til 3rd Jan, though that may be a little early as I think I ovulated a day or so late. Not getting my hopes up. I have had about half hour of cramps, not too painful but definitely noticeable. They feel pre-menstrual, but the timing doesnt seem right. I guess Ill just have to wait and see!
I so hope it was an implantation sign! Ive been having twinges on and off for a few days, which I get at ovulation too, but these cramps were different, alot stronger and in my abdomen rather than my ovaries. I hate waiting!!! Argh!
Sore boobs were the 1st symptom for me both times. Usually around 3/4 days after ovulation.

I always used to think that was too early to get sore boobs but both times that has happened I have been pregnant :D

Good luck x
Rachel said:
Sore boobs were the 1st symptom for me both times. Usually around 3/4 days after ovulation.

I always used to think that was too early to get sore boobs but both times that has happened I have been pregnant :D

Good luck x

Eeeek!! I hope its the same for me!! I dare not get too excited though. The same thing happened in August, and AF was late, I had cramping around the same time too, but didnt know half as much about pregnancy, charts etc then and didnt think anything of it. I was convinced I was pregnant though and did an early test which came back BFN. Then 2 days later/late AF turned up and I was so disappointed. I really felt I was pregnant, and still think I might have been but had an early miscarriage. I guess Ill never know! I just hope the same thing doesnt happen this month as it really threw me emotionally, and my OH was convinced I was pregnant too. I hated seeing him cry. :(

Sometimes I think all these symptoms are in my head as I wanted a BFP on my birthday more than anything. Its got to be real though! At the moment it feels like there is a feather inside my abdomen tickling me!! Is it possible to have an itchy uterus?!! :lol:

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