For the last couple of weeks I've noticed that my nipples are hard and sore and now they have hard white stuff coming off them. Does anyone know if I need to clear this out and if it will affect me producing milk?! Arrrrggggh what do I do?! lol
Hi allycat!!!
i think there is nothing to worry (I hope) as I'm the same. My nipples are always very sore, even when they are just lightly touched and there is always a hard white stuff in the middle pore (don't know if you know what I mean). It doesn't come out and it's not a lot but it's there.
I think that it's something to do with the breasts and nipples being prepared for breastfeeding.
Hope this helps and eases your mind.
If anyone has any experience on it please let us know and I'm just guessing!!!
I had this loads in my first pregnancy and as far as I'm aware it's just milk or colostrum leaking out a bit and then drying on your nipples. Nothing to worry about and perfectly normal.
Ahhh that's put my mind at rest, thank you everyone! I'll tell my OH to stop attacking me with cotton buds and making me worry about 'drying up' lol! Men eh? I'm getting my revenge today by making him come maternity bra shopping with me...mwahahahaha!
Normal! I have this as well, and had it with Rightie a lot more years ago when she actually began to lactate when I was only 18! Imagine the fright I got then! I clean up around there as best I can at shower time every morning otherwise I begin to smell like ice cream - and you girls are right, it gets loads worse when you are feeding, but it doesn't dry up and clog pores then...
Yeah totally normal I get that too and was told its dried milk. If you try to get rid of it all the time you'll just irritate your nipples and they'll sting like crazy! Lesson learned for me
I've got this too but if its milk how come i have never seen it come out or felt it as runny?
I've tried picking it off but it just kind of flakes (been thinking it was dry skin)
It's because the amount of milk is so tiny that it dries on your nipple rather than flowing out into your bra. As I progressed through pregnancy I found one of my boobs increased in flow and I would sometimes end up with wet patches on my boob but in the earlier days it would just be a tiny bit on my nipple. You might find that if you squeeze your nipple a bit that a little bit will come out but it just depends.
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