question about milk supply


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2007
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Hi :wave:
im worried about my milk supply, i manage to feed my 5 week yr old my milk (just) i put on those drip catchers when i feed and get about 3oz out in the day. My milk supply is very low in the evening and i struggle to express 1oz out. i give her the drips from the day just before bed time.

I just worry as when they get older htey want more milk dont they? Ive only just got there with teh feeding too :cry:
Do you get more milk supply? as ive heard that what you have now is what you will get as your body knows how many babies you have?

I read that someone was expressing 8oz in one go :clap: :?
As she grows older, if she wants more milk you should notice as she'll want to feed more often. As the boobs work on supply and demand, her feeding more often should increase the supply you have so she can feed the amount she wants but at a usual frequency instead of increased frequency.

That sounds confusing.

If she needs more, she'll be on more often. The more often she feeds the more milk you produce.

Your body produces more milk through the early hours which is why night feeding at night is important. So many mums wish the LO's would sleep through but night feeds are v.important. This is why expressing in the morn is usually easier.

As Leckershell said your body works on a supply and demand basis. It takes a few days for the body to register and increase the amount too. Don't stress yourself out, that won't help you. :D
girlygirl said:
Hi :wave:
im worried about my milk supply, i manage to feed my 5 week yr old my milk (just) i put on those drip catchers when i feed and get about 3oz out in the day. My milk supply is very low in the evening and i struggle to express 1oz out. i give her the drips from the day just before bed time.

I just worry as when they get older htey want more milk dont they? Ive only just got there with teh feeding too :cry:
Do you get more milk supply? as ive heard that what you have now is what you will get as your body knows how many babies you have?

I read that someone was expressing 8oz in one go :clap: :?

I manage to feed my heffalump (just) shes 7 weeks. You will always produce just enough to feed your LO or too much...only rarely don't you produce enough but the babies eat in such a way during the first weeks that seems like they aren't getting enough....I don't know why but come evening its normal to have less than the morning.

You will produce more the more often your LO just feed them on demand...and your milk supply will just keep up... :D

I cant express at all btw I get nothing out or don't have enough for the next feed yet have sucessfully bf'd both babies
I've been having the same concerns and issues. I have been BF exclusively too but I don't seem to be producing as much as everyone else seems to. I also can't express and produce about 3 oz in a whole day. I can only get about half an oz from each boob at a time. My mum said she was filling up to 6oz each time she expressed so I was concerned I wasn't producing enough. I actually started to top-up with formula after the early morning feed and late evening feed as she was crying continuously and was clearly hungry, her weight wasn't increasing and she was still showing signs of jaundice. If your LO isn't acting hungry or restless and is pooing/weeing regularly then your supply is probably fine. Just Make sure you eat and drink loads.
Breastfeeding is a supply and demand feeding.

The more you put your child to the breast, the more milk you will end up with.

Pumping is totaly different, your baby gets milk out much better than you.

When pumping you need to do it everyday at the same time and establish your supply with the pump, just like you learnt to do with your baby.

I recommend pumping on the other side while baby feeds.

You pump outlet is no refelction of your milk supply.

Like I said supply and demand, you need to put baby on as much as you can or pump in the eveing so your supply catchs up in the evening, depending on wether its really needed.

ive heard that what you have now is what you will get as your body knows how many babies you have?

Where did you get that info?

Because its very untrue, your supply changes to match the needs of your child as long as you make sure you keep putting your baby to the breast when it wants, baring in mind you are approaching another growth spurt, one of the biggest, it is vital you keep putting your baby to the breast even when you feel you haven't got enough, because it is there and is constantly being made.


Don't underestimate your boobies :wink: they are fantastic peices of equipment, trust in your ability to feed your child, it worked for me and I continued up until Oli was 13 months and self weaned.
paradysso said:
whats a drip catcher???

breast shells :D you put one on the boob you aren't feeding from and it catches the leakage which you can then stick in a bottle/freezer bag as EBM :cheer:

:shock: :shock: :shock: wow i need some of them, i been using a flannel to catch the drops, well more of a fountain :rotfl: felt like such a waste.

i take it there available every where? i never seen them before
paradysso said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: wow i need some of them, i been using a flannel to catch the drops, well more of a fountain :rotfl: felt like such a waste.

i take it there available every where? i never seen them before

ditto, I've never come across these before but I've always felt that all that booby leakage was such a waste. I didn't realise how much I leaked from one boob when I was feeding from the other until I totally soaked through my shirt the other day. I didn't realise it had happened until we were on our way out after I had just fed Layla and my hubby pointed out the giant wet patch in the booby region of my shirt... :oops: Could have been very embaressing if I had turned up to my in-laws like that :shock: :rotfl:
leckershell said:
paradysso said:
whats a drip catcher???

breast shells :D you put one on the boob you aren't feeding from and it catches the leakage which you can then stick in a bottle/freezer bag as EBM :cheer:


they are definatly worth getting! I get loads out sometines 2 oz in one go if im lucky. I got mine from mothercare,they come with plastic breast pads for none drips and ones which catch the drips. you can wear them in your bra. I wear mine when feeding or if i seem to be dripping like when getting out the shower!

THanks for all the info guys, actually in the last day my supply seems to be better. :wink: 8)

A midwife told me that your breasts decide in the 1st few days how many babies you have and if you express too much in the early days you will get too much milk. I shouldnt have listened to her as if now read that its important to express in the 1st days :roll:

But we have just had our best feed ever, she did 40 mins and kept reattaching herself on her own. :dance:
So glad i stuck out the breast feeding. :D
You can generally get them wherever you find breast pads and other boob accessories. Namely boots and mothercare but I'm sure they do them elsewhere too.

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