question about baby weight.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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Every time Mollie is weighed i always get a comment shortly after ..... like 'ooooo shes not wasting away' or ' your a right jersey cow'.
She was born weighing 9lb 14oz and she is now 9 weeks nearly 10 weeks and she weighs 13lb 6oz . Does this seem quite a bit or am i being paranoid? When i took her for her jabs at 8 weeks she was the biggest one there, all these tiny babies were coming in and im sat there with my lil boobie machine lol.
take it as a compliment - Cally was always on the 91st centile (and that was on formula charts) and I loved the comments about her rolls, and her chubby cheeks. After the worry of Seren who was always a skinny minnie it made a pleasant change. I wouldn't be concerned, exclusively breastfed babies cannot be overfed - it is normal for a breastfed baby to gain loads of weight in the early months then this tails off.
I think all this weighing adds to our worry and paranoia!

Kai hasn't been weighed since he was about 10 days old so I have avoided this worry thus far tbh. Don't worry and as beanie said, exclusively breastfed babies cannot be overfed and therefore can't put on too much weight!!
im the opposite, not so much worried but wondering if Levi is gaining enough :think:
Everyone always comments on Ollie and says he's big for his age. When i see others that are six months they dont seem much bigger. As long as he's healthy im not too concerned.

Claire x
My little boy was 9lb 3 1/2oz when he was born and has always been big for his age. He weighed 16lb 5oz at his last weigh in at 16 weeks. He is bigger then 7-8 month olds when we go to baby clinic and he is filling 6 - 9 month clothes cos he is so long. I love the fact that he is a big strong boy. I just think he is healthy and growing well :D
so shes roughly put on 3.5lb in 9 weeks? Dylans put on 5lb in 8 weeks and im told its absolutely brilliant so be proud of yourself, that weight gain is fab! all MWs say different things but a healthy happy baby whos gaining good weight seems pretty perfect to me!!
:clap: :clap:
I always think the bigger the better with babies! :D
Lola was 7lbs 9oz at birth and was 13lbs 3oz at 12 weeks! Since 2 weeks shes been steady just under the 75th centile and Im happy with that! :D If she was to go up and down the lines then I would have a concern but as long as your babs is following a nice route then dont worry at all hun! :D
Ah i get this all of the time :roll: People saying my god look at the size of him, he's huge blah blah blah.

I sometimes take it a bit personally but maybe i need to lighten up :)

I took him to get weighed last Tues at 12 weeks and he was 14lb 3oz (was 7lb 8oz when born)

He is in 3 - 6 months clothes now (def cant see them fitting him when he is 6 months lol)

What can i say, my boy just loves his milk :) :)


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