q about cm??


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Hi guys had an odd experience today been having cm since preg nothing odd bit yellowy (tmi) bit I'm a knicker watcher due to my mc in april . When. I went wee today and wiped I had what looked like a boogie! No blood or anything just a cloudy colour. Now nothing else and back to old cm! Anyone had this?? Wtf is it!!?? Xx
I'm not sure about yours but i have been having some strange CM and its because i have thrush xx
Yep me! It's kinda gross and looks like a tiny nose had been blown in ya knickers. Don't know what it is but I'm wondering if I should go to the doctors? Due to see the midwife on Monday so will ask her then x
I had that twice in Tri 1. Don't know what is but obviously nothing bad happened after so don't worry. I think it's just all part of the plug getting bigger?
ah? maybe? I havent had any since just that one little bit now back to normal! strange!! x
I'm prone to thrush so I had this on and off until I finally asked for some stuff was sick of the itching towards the end when it was bad :(
Hi,I think it is normal to have discharges and stuff; when I spoke with my GP about my dicharge concerns she said that it is to be expected considering I am pregnant and just to relax!! Mm not helpful, but I have tried to take what she said on board. I have had one reassurance scan and have my 12 week scan coming up, so I am trying to hold out til then. I had some blood in my urine when I had a recent test with the MW; on phoning the gp they said no further investigation, so I have left it and am trying to drink more water!!I think we have discolouration when pregnant, I guess a lot is going on inside. Not sure it helps, but you do what you feel you should hun x

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