Putting babies to sleep on their tummies


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I have always put poppy to sleep on her back, but is really starting to get a flat head at the back :( I'm just wondering how many of you mummies have put LO's to sleep on their front? Because obviously I know it's not advised. I'm thinking of trying her on her side with a towel behind her back. I really want her flat head to go away, poor little thing!
Arthur sleeps on his tummy, has done ever since he got too strong for swaddles. He is much more settled and sleeps better. I have spoken to gps who have said its fine as long as they don't have a cold. X
I have a special pillow for Louie's head cos he has a flat head at the back and it has really improved x
Dylan has slept in his front since we stopped swaddling too.Wong sleep on his back at all x we have a special mattress with holes in it to prevent restriction of oxygen

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Lots of babies get flat heads now thanks to the 'back to sleep' campaign, personally if the research is correct, and bearing in mind a flat head should correct itself over tie, I would try and keep her on her back while she's happy to sleep that way.

I've seen these pillows too:


I've nt used one, but did consider one when LO was small. Just when I was going to buy one though, his head started looking better so I didn't get one, his head corrected itself and is lovely and round now. He only started sleeping on his front when he was able to roll over on his own. Then I couldn't stop him lol :)

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