Putting a towel in babies cot


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2014
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When I was in hospital the midwives put a rolled up towel in babies crib to make him feel more cosy.

Baby is sleeping in a Moses basket in our room but sometimes I sleep in babies room with baby if baby won't settle so not to disturb hubby too much. I had baby in his carry cot last night but figured I could use the cot.

Can I use the same towel trick at home to make baby feel cosy in his cot or is it dangerous (like cot bumpers or something?)

Any opinions greatly appreciated.


I think I remember doing this with Dd1 as she wouldn't sleep in her bassinet and it worked a treat!

I see what you mean about dangers, and I'm sure there was a way round it but cent remember now. X
Someone I was talking to in a Breast feeding area at my local shopping centre said she had done this with her little girl to make her feel cosy and like she was being held because she had started to refuse to sleep in her cot. At 4 weeks mine has just started doing this too and wants to sleep on top of me so was looking for ideas. I haven't tried it though x
Rolled up blankets are cosy too :) def worth it to Make them feel snug and secure x
They did this when we were in with bronchiolitis and it helped the baby so much, so I do it now in the cot. I use two cellular blankets to get the roll thick enough, but I put them under the sheet. I make it so that the top of the U shape doesn't come up to her face. She's so long now that it only comes up to about her armpits so it's quite safe. They slip about a bit under the sheet so I have to reposition every night but it helps stop her twisting sideways which she is prone to doing.
I Wish I knew about this with DS I had a nightmare with him in his Moses basket and will be employing this tactic with baby no2.
Thanks for link!xx
from day 2 with my last daughter i put her to sleep in her moses basket on her side with a rolled up blanket in front and behind her. She loved it and settled self to sleep from week old from wide awake to asleep with no rocking patting, feeding to sleep etc....she can still be put wide awake in her cot now and within about 10 minutes she's fast asleep no fuss. She's 10 months now so moves around all over her cot, but I leave about 4 blankets in there all over so she's moves them about how she wants them.

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