Pushy and proud junk food mums


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Is anyone watching this on Sky Living????? One mum sees nothing wrong with takin her three children to McD's three times a day!!!!!!!!!
I can't watch things like that, makes me so sad for those poor lo's who then go on to feed that shit to their lo's (if they live long enough)
I always wonder how they afford it??? x
Just set a reminder on the plus one! Shows like that make me so mad!!

ewww, i like maccys but its a once every so often thing, id be sick if all i ate was that, i dont really like most processed food so i would never feed it to my LO
They are both unemployed yet eat takeaways for every meal. Me n my OH both work n cant afford to do that!
That's what I mean, it's so expensive to eat out, I don't know how they manage it??? x
What shocks me is how much a track shop is these days! When OH and o got together we'd spend £60 a week on a shop for 2 of us now it's more like £80!!!!

Growing my own fruit and veg has reduced our food bill down to about £25 a week. The chest freezer is a Godsend but we get free frozen veg all year and when it's fresh from the plant straight to the pot it's amazing.

Our garden isn't huge but every year I grow peas, sweetcorn, beans, potatoes, brocolli, cabbage, sprouts, parsnip, carrots, salads, cucumber, melon, onions,, tomatoes, basil, rosemary, bayleaf, garlic, cherries, apples, pears, plums, strawberries, currants, blackberries and grapes! All organic with companion planting.

If anyone wants to give it a go I will be happy to advise! Albert will be a fruit junkie like his mum :D xxxxxxxx
I would love to do that!!!! Do you have a greenhouse? xx
my shopping bills gone through the roof too. I can't even buy chocolate any more :cry:

Makes me quite cross, I work full time, OH runs his own business, yet if I had 3 kids on the dole I'd probably have more money to waste, 6 and I'd be a rich b!tCh.

I try and avoid maccy ds, they don't digest well. I had some maccy d french fries spill in to my boot. Didn't clear them out for 3 years (it was a mess anyway). They never went mouldy or anything, still perfectly square :sick: Also the salt content isn't good for any child, and diabetes is no laughing matter.
I would love to do that!!!! Do you have a greenhouse? xx

Yep, although I might invest in one of the blow up ones so I can take it down again once the growing season is over. The mini ones are great too especially if you have only one crop that needs extra heat like cucumbers or melons xxxxxxxx
Wow green fingers! I would love to grow my own veg, my garden is non existent though :-(

I will not feed my child mc ds I think it is disgusting and cruel. Cruel as the high salt is a problem, a.d that child would be bullied in school for being fat and suffer all its life with either anorexia or obesity! Ppl like that don't deserve children
I never watched it

To me - McD's & small children is verging on child abuse. Makes me cringe when I go in & see babies in their highchairs - bad parenting at its worst!!

My LO never had any mcdonalds or any fast food like that untill she was 4. No excuse for filling kids with that shite - oh yeah thats right...they eat happy meals, one must have a happy child

As much as I'd like to grow my own I live in a flat and have a fear of worms so gardening is a no go lol!!

My mum does tho and my dad set up the allotments for his village. My dad even fattens his own turkeys up for Xmas!!

I can't stand mcdonalds! Or Iceland! It's cruel for kids to be brought up on that stuff!

Oh I would love to grow my own - do have a garden but no idea where to start :)
Allotment and grow your own websites have loads of advice and tips on how to get started xxxxxxxxx
I think that will be one of my goals while I am on Maternity Leave to get some more info :)
I think everything is ok in proportion, feeding your kid a macdonalds once in a blue moon (birthday or whatever) isn't going to do any halm i think it can be worse to never let them because once they are old enough to go and buy there own junk food they can go over the top with it because its such a novilty if they never have it, its the same with anything like sweets etc.

But three times a day! That is horrid surley the kids would be sick of it... three times a week would be bad enough, Im thinking three times a year is about normal lol

A bit off topic but have you seen in paper abou the sandwich in Jamie Olivers cookbook which has actually more calories and fat than a big mac!! And he is all for freash veg and healthy eating it just shows you have to be careful with everything even something you would assume is ok.

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