Pushchair help


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2014
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So we brought a brand new icandy peach 3 brand new, which is now 8 months old and a fantastic pushchair. We've also got a McLaren XT Techno buggy for nipping into town on and off the bus(I live in a small town and I can hardly fit the icandy through some doors!).

We've hit s problem now however. We are an outdoors farming family and I stupidly didn't consider this when buying either pushchair. :wall2:

We have been at a ploughing match and will have many more to come and icandy just doesn't perform. It gets stuck in ruts and is very bumpy. I nearly ended up tipping it over.

I'd love to part ex for the 3 wheel all terrain chassis as I love my icandy but can't afford 2.

Or I need to look at buying a cheap "off-roader" that can cope with rough terrain.

Baby wearing is not an option. What do I do!
Not sure how much u want to spend but have a look at the out and about nipper. I have the double for my boys and I love it. I walk alot and its so easy to push and great on rough terrain can't recommend it enough :) x
I don't think it's classed as an off-roader but we have Micralite buggys (the Superlite and the Twofold). They have large back wheels and you can tip the buggy slightly to just run on the back wheels. When we go for walks we do this off road and it works - not sure if that would work for you though x
Not sure how much u want to spend but have a look at the out and about nipper. I have the double for my boys and I love it. I walk alot and its so easy to push and great on rough terrain can't recommend it enough :) x

Was just about to suggest the nipper! I got the double when my youngest was born and it's fantastic for outdoor use. I really wish I'd got this when I had my eldest as the single pram it's so good!

How about getting something second hand? I got my double at a fraction of the price second hand. I didn't want to spend lots cos I knew the double would only be used on a short term basis.
I had been looking at the nipper and also had a look at the phil and teds navigator I think it was. I will see if we can go for a test drive at the weekend and pick something up second hand.

A friend of ours has a phil and teds which she swore by (also farmers) which has been in storage for a few years that we can have it if we want it. I'm just a second hand snob (and need to get over myself!) but no there is no point in buying something brand new again!
Toni I was the same about buying stuff second hand but I really couldn't justify spending 300-400 quid on a new double when I knew it wouldn't be my main pram. I got mine off a lady at work so knew it came from someone reputable.
Toni I was the same about buying stuff second hand but I really couldn't justify spending 300-400 quid on a new double when I knew it wouldn't be my main pram. I got mine off a lady at work so knew it came from someone reputable.

Yes this is my thought exactly! We know them very very well and know they would've looked after it very well too. I think we'll have a look and have a look at the out n about nipper too x
I really love mine. I did buy mine new but I had sold my uppababy so had the funds. Both boys are under 2 so it's gonna get a lot of use. But I'm sure I won't struggle to sell once I'm done with it. Most things like my highchairs and jumperoo ext iv bought pre loved and they are all fab x
I've got the Phil and teds navigater as I go to lots of v v muddy rugby matches with my oldest and it's great at getting through muddy fields
I have Phil and teds classic and love it. Wish I'd had it with my first. I got mine second thinking id not use it a lot but actually use it much than I though I would.
I have a Phil and teds sport that I us for down at the stables and it's amazing for going into the field etc. my sister had it for her 2 girls as its can seat 2 if you put the extra seat on but I don't have it on. It's not the prettiest and I would have never considered it but she was getting rid lol. And it's amazing to push! she paid about £400 but said she would get about £40 for it if she sold it so I'm sure you would find a bargain if you shopped around. X
Hi I live on a farm and take my Concord Neo off road and through the fields all the time and baby doesn't wake up. My friend has a Jane which is the same company and found it good too, you can get them at a good price on eBay second hand.

Alternatively, if you want a fold away stroller the city jogger is good but they hold their value second hand so I would try the concord or Jane which will be more stable x

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