Pushchair has been delivered!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Yay!! :cheer: finally after months of paying off the birth plan we have finally come to our delivery date!! Its come round so quick :shock: its all becoming so real!

Im not allowed to open it til OH gets home though :( so that could be about 8-9pm :shakehead: tempted to get it out and then put it back lmao but my luck id get it stuck getting it back in lol!!

Its the mothercare my4.. fantastic! puschair/pram with no need for an extra seat unit to store.. and no added connectors to put the pebble car seat on it.. just push a switch on the pushchair!! has everything we wanted!!
Ive never had a pram with the girls so it was an important thing for me to have one... plus i didnt want to have to store the pushchair seat for months til baby was big enough for it.. so the my4 is perfect!
Yay it's exciting isnt it! We had ours delivered last week!
Feel silly posting about it but im well excited about this pushchair lol!! been waiting for months and its perfect to me!
Ill post some pics later on once im allowed to play with it lol!!
I seem to get really excited about prams too! My mom bought mine for me, she bought it a while ago as it was on offer in babies r us at the time. She's had it at hers since and I can't wait to get my hands on it and set it all up!
I went for the Silver Cross 3D :) xx
yeah we were going to go for a silver cross one as they have the abilitly to be a pram and pushchair.. but OH didnt like the handles on it.. not that hes the one pushing it :roll: lol!!
just looked at it online hun and it looks fab!
aw yay! I remember getting mine, I was so excited and was wheeling it round the house for ages! Until OH made me fold it up and put in in the cupboard in the hall until LO was here!!

Yay!! Still not even ordered mine :wall: great news Hun bet u can't wait to get it sorted x
cant believe u have to wait till oh gets back !! i would b chomping at the bit to get it out and have a play !!!!! xxxxxxx
Hun iv got the red one.bhad it since Lo was born and its brilliant. Had it with car seat then carrycot then buggy and now forward facing buggy. LO is 10 months now and still love it. Xxx
That's great u love it so much I was worried I was putting it on a pedestal!! Even more excited to use it now :cheer:

I've gone to my mums afterschool to stop me wanting to rip it open!!
It's an exciting moment!! Mothercare prams rule. We got the Spin, and I love it sooo much!! Enjoy tinkering! Xx

Glad I'm not the only one excited over a pushchair lol!!

We were gonna get the spin but my OH is one of those blokes that would constantly be spinning the poor bugger in it lol!!!

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