Pump expressing... Owwww it blooming hurts!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I tried the electric pump and it was excruciating to use :shock: I followed all the instructions for it and massage of boobs etc and took note that it said if pain occurred to stop using. I tried about 10 times with the pump in the hope that it would improve and it did not. Each time my nipple felt like it was being burnt almost. Is there like a pain threshold you have to get through and once done its ok? After 30 seconds of agony on my boob I had to stop the thing.

So I'm hand expressing atm and its going ok. I've got the hang of it almost but tbh Galen devours so much my attempts at hand expressing mean I need to have 2-3 attempts over the day to get enough for a decent feed. And he feeds so much thats proving somewhat tricky to accumalate :roll: :lol:

I want to try the electric again and hopefully get some off but worry my boobs are not really suited to breast pump use.

Anyone had similar problems and if so what worked for you? And did it get better? Or do I just need to keep going and the pain passes?

Thanks :)
I didn't have much success with the electric pumps but my Avent hand pump was really helpful. Got double the milk that I did with the electric one and in less time. Sometimes it did hurt but I never had to use it as long as the electric one.
I was loaned an electric one while I was in hospital (I had problems breastfeeding after my C section) and I have to say I found it very painful. Although it did get some milk off it felt like it was ripping off my nips.

However, I had already bought a manual one (the Avent Isis one) so I gave that a go at home and I've found it works really well. With the manual ones, you have more control over the amount of suction and the pace of the pumping. I've found I can get plenty of milk out without fully depressing the handle, and just kind of holding the handle for a few seconds halfway usually makes a good stream of milk come out.

I've also tried the Tommee Tippee manual one, and although it works, I don't really like it as you cant see the streams of milk coming out of your nip.

I also find that one it appears I have emptied it, if I keep changing the position of how I hold my boob, I can get a bit more milk out of a different area.
Tiggergirl said:
I was loaned an electric one while I was in hospital (I had problems breastfeeding after my C section) and I have to say I found it very painful. Although it did get some milk off it felt like it was ripping off my nips.

However, I had already bought a manual one (the Avent Isis one) so I gave that a go at home and I've found it works really well. With the manual ones, you have more control over the amount of suction and the pace of the pumping. I've found I can get plenty of milk out without fully depressing the handle, and just kind of holding the handle for a few seconds halfway usually makes a good stream of milk come out.

I've also tried the Tommee Tippee manual one, and although it works, I don't really like it as you cant see the streams of milk coming out of your nip.

I also find that one it appears I have emptied it, if I keep changing the position of how I hold my boob, I can get a bit more milk out of a different area.

Exactly the same as you :)
I use the tommee tippee hand pump. This i find works well for me.
Can get 5oz off in less than ten mins. Havent had pain with it.
hmm it shouldn't be hurting. what pump have you got, as the electric ones I have used have vriable suctions so you can adjust it to one that you find comfortable. I have the medula swing and even when my nipples were very sore it didn't feel painful.
Ive found the manual ones hurt but elec dont, I have medela mini (well I did have but it died :() and its great I defo recommend medela! Are there any settings on it to change the suction strength.
I use the Medela mini electric pump and it was slightly :shock: at first and made my nipple purple but now it's fine. I think your nipples, like with VF'ing, need to toughen up a bit first!
So I talked to HV yesterday about the electric pump and she gave me some tips. I got 3.5 ozs off in about 15 minutes! :shock:

So chuffed! Still a bit painful the first few times and it looks like I shall stick to expressing off one boob for now.

Plus I got about 1oz off by hand expressing (weird experience and slower but there is a knack to it and I got the hang of it in the end).

So shall get the pump out later once OH is home and can take LO for a while. All being well OH can then do the midnight feed or thereabouts then :)

I did have the suction setting on low already. I had to play around with getting my boob in there and making sure it was well and truly fitted round the nipple etc.

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