Pulling my hair out, my fingernails, and my eyes


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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This is how the day goes;

leah wakes up and has a bottle. Then she will play for 20-30 mins then will have toast/banana whatever.
But, i pick her up to put her in the highchair and she knows where I'm gonna put her, so she screams, kicks, throws her head back until she is strapped in.
Same with carseat & pushchair.

In the car; drops her toy so SCREAMS until she gets it back and waves her arms around.
At home when she's playing, if she goes near the tv or christmas tree and we pull her away from it, she screams and throws her arms about.
If she's not allowed something like my phone/keys, she will scream and hit when i take them off her.
She won't eat... im forcing food down her.. i put her in the highchair and put the food in front of her, she picks it up, squeezes it, shakes it about, throws it on the floor then screams.
The only thing she will eat at the moment is chicken soup with bread.

She just seems to be screaming constantly. It's driving me mad :cry: :cry: :cry: She's only 10months old :wall: :wall:
I can totally sympathise - Kaira's the same, throws an absolute paddy when she doesn't get her own way, doesn't really eat that much etc etc.

Not much help I know, but have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
oooooops just realised ive posted in prem... please can a mod move this if they see it??
Argh I have this to look forward to!!! Don't pull your hair/fingernails and eyes out though hun - she will scream even more at the sight of you! :hug:

:hug: :hug:

Kim x x x
Meggiewoo said:
Argh I have this to look forward to!!! Don't pull your hair/fingernails and eyes out though hun - she will scream even more at the sight of you! :hug:

:hug: :hug:

Kim x x x
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Eat her. Roast baby tastes really nice... but it needs pureed 9 year old know it all for dessert.... :rotfl:

I would give you a nice heart warming post preaching about the best ways to deal with your baby during these moments... but... when you figure it out by yourself... could you PM me please so I know too :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I know how u feel chick (apart from the eating cos she eats like a horse!), she has major paddys and throws herself around if she doesnt get her own way, I tend to try and ignore her although its pretty difficult aint it! I'm hoping its just a phase lol :pray: :pray: :pray:
Sorry you are having a hard time of it with her :(

:hug: :hug: :hug:

With regard to the not wanting to eat, why not just leave her be and let her feed herself what she wants. I think trying to make her eat is only going to cause more problems now and in the future. If she is having milk still she won't let herself go hungry. Give her finger food and let her pick and choose what she wants from it. Take the pressure off yourself from feeding her or worrying if she doesn't eat what is in front of her. Some babies eat less than others. So long as she is still having some bottles each day she'll get nutrients from that. And hopefully after a little while on finger foods and just being left to it she'll start eating better under her own steam.

The more you make an issue of it and try to get her to eat, the more she will resist probably. So kicking off from the moment she knows where she is going has become a habit now. Maybe try letting her have her toast sat on your knee one morning instead? Just put it in front of her and have breakfast together. Don't make it a battle. If she throws it on the floor or doesnt't want it, just let it happen and don't try to get her to eat it. Same with lunch and tea.

Also do you eat your meals together? So she can see you eating it all also. Might help if you are not already doing that.
thank you for your replies.
this morning I decided not to give her the morning bottle, and instead she had banana and yoghurt and a piece of tost.. and she ate all of it.
I'm thinking that her morning bottle is filling her up too much and that's why she's not eating. So Im gonna cut that out and give her a bottle about 7 and then again before bed.
She's had some soup again today, and theres lasagne in the oven now for her tea with some potato smileys.

sherlock, no I don;t really eat with her tbh, I usually make something quick like a sandwich so I can get Leah's tea done, but maybe I should.. Well we're all having lasagne tonight so that will be easier.
Thanks for your replies will keep you updated x
Finn is definately getting into tantrum territory too -if I stop him doing something I don't want him to be doing, take something off him etc. he screams the place down. He is getting more independent and wants to feed himself with a spoon - I don't mind if it's big bits of things like bread, but he's still too little to use a spoon. I think they get very frustrated that they can't do things! He's also just learnt how to shake his head NO (which is very funny) but I can tell as he gets older, the novelty will wear off :lol:
Kyran goes through stages where he refuses to eat and it drives me mad, usually its the signs to show hes coming down with something. last time he hardly ate a thing for 12 days then he had a terrible viral infection and temp for 3 days then he started eating again.

Haha! i love his paddys hes so dramatic at times, lol although its not funny at the time when we're out in public! His new thing that sparks a tantrum is getting out of the bath. He screams his balls off and arches his back while im lifting him out to wrap him in his towel. Funny but it scares me sometimes as im worried im guna drop him coz hes wet! I just ignore him when he starts, he soon clams down.
Jessy has major tantrums and has been for months. Right now all I have to do is tell her no and she throws herself back and screams and crys real tears. Can't really help with those I'm afraid.

As far as the eating goes Jess doesn't always want to eat her dinner in her highchair but when she doesn't want to eat her food I don't make a issue of it I just take it away. During the day I just put a plastic plate of finger food and a drink out for her and while she is playing she can go and take a bit of food if she wants it. Its a bit messy but aleast I know that she eating something. I have also started giving her vitamin drops once a day so she is getting enough vitamins. I still put her in her high chair at meal times but when she doesn't eat I don't make a fuss about it I think if you make food time into a battle the problems will continue. Hope this helps :hug:

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