Puke and iffy day


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Ok, so....
Korbyn has puked twice today and Im wondering if this is normal? Its really thick, but doesnt smell sour so think its just milk...
He has also been crying a lot.....but when I give him a bottle he stops so presume he is hungry - do you think I am over feeding him?

During feeds when I take the bottle out of his mouth to burp him he screams blue murder but if I dont he really suffers later on as he cant get the winds up - they get trapped.

I dont know what to do - should I take him to the doctor or is he just having an off day?
Hi hun

I am used to puke as I have a really sicky baby so twice in one day sounds good to me!!

They always will reject any extra they don't need so don't worry about overfeeding.

If I was realy hungry and someone was making me stop eating half way through I'd scream too!! Don't worry as long as he stops when the bottle goes back in!

Does Korbyn have a dummy? If not he might be needing the comfort he gets from sucking a teat but not needing the milk.

I'd see how he goes tomorrow then phone the HV and see what they say. At the end of day, as Mummy you know best so if your are concerned take him to the docs x

:hug: :hug:
Puking is pretty normal for babies. It is sort of thei favorite pastime: food--->puke.

It just depends on amount. Unless it is a full feed puke it is within norm.
If you notice your LO starts throwing up like a LOT of milk, only then you should worry.

And, you cant really overfeed a baby. They usually let know if they are full by stopping, and if you try again-they start screaming. And if by any fluke they had more then they should-they puke.

Thank you for your replies :hug:

I went to the drop in clinic yesterday and the HV said that I should try not to wind him if I dont need to (I was winding every 20ml cos he seemed very windy before - he would scream so I assumed it was a sore wind but think its actually hunger haha. She also suggested that I sit him upright (not dead straight) whilst feeding and not lay him flat after a feed.
She thought I was maybe moving him around too much during/after a feed. I tested the theory and we have not had one bit of puke since - YAY!
She said he is gaining weight really nicely so is not concerned at all...

I feel better now....but a bit silly :oops:
I wish my two had ever had a day when they only puked twice.... :wall:

I did a puke diary for Islas allergy clinic once and hit the 40 mark on several occasions. Turns out she was allergic to milk, duh!!! I could have told them that!

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