Pubic bone pain


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Hey, up to yet i've had a really nice pregnancy, very slight if any morning sickness (was only physically sick once) etc, and I'm not at all moaning about any part of my pregnancy, I'm loving every minute, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or could perhaps enlighten me?

Last night I took my dogs for a walk with my dh, but we only got a couple of streets from our house when I was in excrutiating pain, it felt like someone was between my legs trying to pull my pubic bone into two pieces. We actually turned back home and I did a slow penguin walk back to our house.

I phoned the hospital and they've asked me to book another midwife appointment and go and have it checked as baby is moving ok etc, I've woke up this morning and i've still got the pains.
It sounds like what is later on in pregnancy known as 'dropping' , baby is sitting with all it's weight directly on that bone. After you've had a previous pregnancy it can happen at anytime and can feel like baby is actually bouncing up and then right down and yes it makes you 'waddle' . hope that helps xx
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This sounds a lot like SPD! Symphasis pubis dysfunction! If you searching for SPD on here you will find many of the new mummies like myself, lilelephant and few others have posted about this! If it is SPD they can refer you to physio :)

Really hope it's not though hun xx
I have been suffering with alot of pelvic pain lately, i thought it was baby putting pressure down there as he likes to lie low but after reading this thread i did a search for SPD and it sounds alot like this may be what i'm suffering from too :(
yeah, SPD is what the hospital said they think it might be when i called, but was hoping not tbh, my friend suffered really bad with spd in her pregnancy, I really was hoping not tbh.
I suffered badly and was on crutches after Stanley's birth :( BUT if it's only just started and you get referred to physio ASAP then it will not necessarily be that bad! They will give you a bump band to wear which helps ALOT!!

Feel for you gun as I know what it's like xxx
thanks, I didnt put SPD in my original post as i was hoping it wouldnt be that, but if it is then i'm sure i'll cope, were women, we cope with alot ;) - my dh is very protective already so i can only imagine if that does become a definate diagnosis lol!
I had SPD in all 3 of my pregnancies get the midwife to refer u for physio and if the give u a support belt wear it !! They aren't comfy but do help !! Hope it doesn't get too bad for u xxx

thanks ladies, might nick my mates support belt, she had spd
sorry sproglett, it's does seem it's more serious than I first thought , I've been really lucky and have never suffered with any of the serious problems that so many of you report on here guess if I hadn't been so lucky I probaly wouldn' be on my 6th pregnancy . I do hope you get some physio to help with it as soon as possible .xx
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thank you, just hope it turns out to be something else lol

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