Pronunciation of my chosen girl name


New Member
Sep 7, 2017
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Hi so I want my daughter's named to sound and be pronounced as
A - Liss - sia

However I like the spelling Alessia .

Not a huge fan of other spellings such as Alyssia, Alisia , Alicia , Alysia, Alisiah or any other way .

Do you think I could get away with spelling her name as Alessia and pronouncing it A-liss-sia as opposed to A-less-sia.

It's an Italian name I think and in an Italian accent it could sound in the middle of the two pronouciations such as A lesss sia with emphasis on the lesssss giving it a more of a liss sound.

However I don't live in Italy lol so what do you think ? :lol:

Also trying to think of a cute middle name to compliment.
If i had to spell it any other way I would change the name choice to Alyssa pronounced A-liss-sa .

i dont mind the name Alyssa which is pronounced ( A-Liss-SA) being spelt in this sort of way just don't like the name ( A-liss-SIA) spelt with an I or Y spelling ..

Not sure why just preference, am I thinking to much In to this? or can I spell it how ever I want to or what are the rules haha
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Pretty name. I have a long term patient and her name is Alicia pronounced as the name you like. Everyone in the whole ward says it wrong! My name is Leah and I've had people get my name wrong my whole life. It still annoys me when people call me Lee or Leia. I'm nearly 30 years old and it still enrages my mum haha! I personally think if I seen the name Alessia I would say A-LESS-IA. If it was spelt Alyssia I would pronounce it as you like. I think if you really love the name I wouldn't get hung up on something simple like 1 letter. Trust me, people saying it wrong and you constantly having to correct them will annoy you a whole lot more than how it's spelt :lol: xx
You can spell and pronounce it any way you want. People who you see often should soon get the hang of it.

However people you meet who have to guess at the pronunciation/spelling may get it wrong, it depends how bothered you are at that. If I saw the name written down as Alessia I would pronounce the e, but I'm not familiar with the name and that is how I would make a first guess. To pronounce it in the way you want I would assume it was spelled Alicia, if I was inviting your child to a party and I didn't know how her name was spelled that is what I would guess at.

As for a middle name I would avoid anything starting or ending in a. So something short and simple like Jane, Rose, June, May, Kate, Belle, Jade, Grace, Claire, Faith, Hope, Skye, Joy, Ruth, Pearl etc.

Hope that helps!
I would read it as A-LE-sia only because of the popular singer Alessia Cara. I had a friend in high school who had to live with her name always being mispronounced, it didn't sit well with her. A name is a person's identity so I think it is important that people always have the right impression of someone whether if it is their name etc. If you want that sound, then maybe Aleesia like "Khaleesi" in game of thrones (lol) would be a good alternative. Or Aliseah?

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