Promises leading to nothing so i did it myself :D


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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When we moved into this house like 4 months ago or whateva it was dad left some stuff in the living room, temporarily down the side of my settte, u cudnt see it so it wasnt a problem, well gradually in the past few months its turned into a mountain of crap, coz everytime he goes away wtih work he empties his car into the corner and its now a mountain of bags of crap basically.

i kept telling him to sort thru it and move it as it was making my living room look like a tip, but 2 months on we still have mountain of crap. so today ive done it :twisted:

so ive probably binnde loads of what he wanted but i really dont care, he had his warnings muwhahhahah

it does feel good to have a tidy living room and i had 2 hours of cursing him whilst i threw it into bin bags :dance:

i love the relationship u have with ur dad,,,

i envy u :oops:
haha ur joking?

i tell him to do stuff he says yes then blatently ignores me. its damn annoying

He thinks EVERYTHING shud be done by me and him have everything done for him...

bloody men :twisted:
Remember a good clear out never harmed anyone Lozzi :D
damn right if he didnt pay the bills id clear him out to antoehr house too hahaha
lozzijane said:
haha ur joking?

i tell him to do stuff he says yes then blatently ignores me. its damn annoying

He thinks EVERYTHING shud be done by me and him have everything done for him...

bloody men :twisted:

My OH is like that
he leaves his stuff in the livingroom so I moan then he moves it to kitchen, then I moan, then im nagging so I dump it all in the shed then when he cant find anything its my folt! I have lots of car stuff and a compresor in the kitchen at the mo and its to hevy for me to move! men :wall:
well done lozzi, maybe he'll think twice about doing it in the future. :dance:

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