progesterone level??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Hi ladies,hope you all had a lovely Easter:)

Well after a rather traumatic blood test on Thursday (took them 3 attempts, eventually took it out of my hand) i got the results and my progesterone level was 61. Does anyone know if this is good? Last month was 51 so its obv better than last month but still getting to grips with all these numbers:eh:

thanks everyone xxx
Anything above 30 usually means you have ovulated x
yep you have ovulated. as chaz says the docs look for a number greater then 30 pmol to indicate an ovulatory cycle. how mnay dpo are you now? im out, witch is almost here :(
errrm od i get all confused lol, witch is due on the 14th so not long, just donthink its worked again though, so frustrating i just dont know what else we can do xx
Don't worry hun. U have definately ovulated on the clomid and its only round 2. I don't know ur history have u had semen analysis, HSG, scans ets?
hi hun yes weve had all the test, oh first seman test showed that he had a good amound but only 1 in 5 were as active as they would have liked and it should have been one in 5 but he had the test repeated and it had improved so they said it shouldnt be a prob. All my tests were fine but the blood test didnt show ov which is why im now on clomid. Weve been ttc for almost 3 years now.

Whats your story (sorry that sounds a bit wrong, you know what i mean) xxxx
well, where do I start!...

my AMH (ovarian reserve) is lowish for my age - it puts my ovaries at about 4 years older than i really am! i have one good tube but it leads to an undersized ovary. i have one tube (likely blocked by a polyp, will find out soon enough when im next in hospital) which leads to a normal ovary. i ovulate every month and have regular cycles but off the clmid my progesterone results are on the low side which means i have a "weak ovulation". hubbys SAs are fine, the latest was classed as very good.

i have to have a hysteroscopy soon to try and fix tube. if its unfixable, we will be given another 6-9 months to see if clomid will do the trick and get the under sized ovary to ovulate. if not its ivf for us :(
Hi ladies, sorry to butt in! Haven't posted in this section before. I got some blood tests results today from docs and was told my progesterone was low. No mention of numbers tho. Should they be able to tell me the level?? Hope ur all well x
Hi. What cd was the test done and how many days past ovulation were you? Progesterone fluctuates throuout the cycle so it is important to test at the correct time.

You can ask ur gp for a print out of ther results. Anything above 30 pmol is indicative of an ovulatory cycle.
Thanks itisbabytime. This is where it gets confusing!! I came of pill in May 2010. Normal cycles of 37 days til November then no period for 4 months. AF arrived again on 14th March. Got bloods done on day 5 which showed underactive thyroid so now on meds for that. Day 21 blood tests were results I got today but also got blood taken today which is day 30 just cos of longer cycle. Opk's are showing a positive result although this month I got a positive on day 18 AND day 26 ?! So really not sure what is going on!! I had a pelvic ultrasound which was normal and oh sperm is normal too. Just been referred to infertility clinic as oh is 40. I'm 32. Does this sound familiar to any of u lovely ltttc ladies?! Xxx
Does it really mean you've OVed tho.

I mean when I ov I get nice OPKs, feel when I ov and have shorter, lighter and less painful periods.
BUT when I don't ov I get very painful, very heavy and long periods with a longer cycle and nothing on opks.

Yet my progesteron stays at the 37 mark all the time unless on clomid :S
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PsychoFalcon I really don't know!!! I had cramps with the second smiley face so I'm hoping I did with that one but who knows!
Wouldn't worry about the prog result. With your irregular cycles it may be that it was simply done at the wrong time. Did ur scan rule out pcos and endo?
All they said was everything was normal so I'm guessing so. Hoping I'll get more detailed info when hospital appointment arrives. May come back to this section in a few months time, don't feel I have the right to be here just yet! Just saw the progesterone post so thought I'd pop my head in! Thanks for the advice, all the best wishes to u lttttc ladies x
Wen u have ur appt make sure u go armed with info about your cycles and any questions yo have. I think u should ask about pcos and endo definately being ruled out before moving onto other things. Good luck.

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