Progesterone 8.7 and hcg 44


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2014
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Right where do I start,

I found out I was pregnant on the 13th feb. I was ecstatic and thought this time was going to be different. I did everything my doctor said. 2 days ago a started spotting, very light only when I wipe bright pink. I went in to the early assessment center and had a scan yesterday as I didn't know how far I was, they couldn't find anything. The nurse reassured me and said that it may be to early to see the baby or sack, or I had had an early mc. I then had an internal camera. Very uncomfortable. Hurt me allot. After the internal I noticed heavier bleeding. :shock::shock: I then had a blood test. I had to wait for my blood results for 8 hours!! It was killing me. As soon as I got home and noticed the bleeding It was also accompanied by period pains. I rang the nurse and she said it was normal after the internal. This put my mind at rest a little. I then waited for her to call me back with my bloods- she sobbed quietly on the phone that my progesterone was only 8.7 and my hcg 44. The hcg they weren't so worried about as if I was only 2-3 weeks pregnant, this is what it would be. But the progesterone was to low to carry a baby. I'm not one that usually blames anyone for anything but seriously. They know I had a history of miscarriages, why didn't they give me progesterone tablets or tell me anything about it. Has anyone had this problem and still been pregnant?

Sorry to ramble on ladies.

Any advice will be great. Xx
Sorry you are going through this, I've had five mc myself.
The low progesterone is not nessecarily the reason you may be miscarrying .. it may be low because it is not a viable pregnancy and your body is recognising that. If you've had three mc now then you should be referred to the recurrent mc clinic and they will investigate and see if there is a reason. In my case no reason has been found and I just need to plod on trying. I hope you get some answers xx
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All 4 mc I had all had low progesterone levels, and I was always told it was a sign of a failing pregnancy, not something that needed supplementation. There is no clear evidence for giving progesterone support to improve pregnancy rates in mc, BUT there is no evidence that it harms, or stops an inevitable mc. On this basis i tried progesterone suppositories for pg #5 and I have a LG. I'm on pg #6 now and same formula which included the progesterone, heparin and aspirin (as they did find a clotting prob on my tests), and so far so good (viability scan at 7 weeks was good).

I talked my doc into letting me try it on the basis of "no harm" even though I accepted it may not help. I'm secretly quite convinced it helped a lot. I have always tested from 9dpo and started it from faint BFP on 10/11dpo.
Thank you so much ladies. Sorry to hear of you're losess too. It's a devastating thing to happen to us wonderful women. Baby bust to all. The advice really helped. Thank you. :) xx

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