Problems with SMA Gold & constipation??


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Anyone's LO had any probs with constipation on SMA Gold??

I was loyal to SMA coz we never had any probs with 1st LO (even went from breast to bottle SMA with no probs) but Kayden seems to be a wee bit constipated, he's not been too grumpy about it but he's been squeezing alot & does so untill he does a number 2.

Since he's been like this (2/3 days) i've been looking online & it seems alot of ppl have probs with SMA gold, regarding constipation & also sickness. Most ppl recommend Aptimil.

So, I was going to go buy Aptimil, but most ppl online are saying get advice from doctor/HV before changing formula. My HV will be here in 2 days should I wait & speak to her & see what she says?

Yeah wait for your HV and speak to her about. I am feeding my baby with SMA gold and have no problem with it
Poppy started on SMA and it made her very constipated. We switched to Cow & Gate but that made her sick, so we then switched to Aptamil and we've had no problems at all. We switched without advice from the HV, I just did what I felt was neccesary. x
Poppy started on SMA and it made her very constipated. We switched to Cow & Gate but that made her sick, so we then switched to Aptamil and we've had no problems at all. We switched without advice from the HV, I just did what I felt was neccesary. x

I've heard aptamil is the thinnest consistency out of the lot & the closest to breast milk. Did you just change altogether or phase out SMA?

We took a while to find right milk for Owen! Started on sma gold, then aptimal and ended up on cow and gate. Didn't ask health visitor just dd by trial and error xx

We just changed altogether. And straight away her poos went from hard little nuggets to what baby poo should be (runny!) Sorry tmi! :lol:

I think its a case of trail and error. I changed formulas three times before i found one that suited my lol. And what may suit ur lo may not suit another baby iykwim! I used cow and gate!
Even tho i'm sure he's constipated, his poos are normal not hard & not runny kinda like very thick moose looool (soz only comparison I could make!) but he screams his head off for an hour or 2 before it comes & squeezes like mad & is fine after

MW is coming 2moz see what she says about it all.

I've not gave him any water between feeds yet, I know she'll probs tell me to do that but I duno this just seems more than that if that makes sense, more than what an oz or so of water would fix. Might give him some 2moro anyway

Hi hun my little boy had constipation with SMA and I switched him onto Aptimil for colic and constipation and kept him on it till we went onto aptimil follow on. Was the best thing we did. I asked health visitor and they advised other things but after talking to other mums I decided to switch and honestly it worked. I think that you should do what you feel is right for your baby.
Thanks Bidsy

I spoke to the MW who said it probs wont make a difference but I can try if I want, then she blabbered on about how baby's "just cry" I know a pain cry for god sake, anyway she said give it a try, no harm in it, she said Aptimel has a certain ingredient that helps with colic (in the normal one not the colic one) I said what about going onto the colic (comfort) one & she said no, cant mind her reason for that though.

So, I went and got Aptimel, had one bottle at 4 & was still really upset, had second one at bedtime at 8 & he slept right thro til 1.30am the longest he's slept yet. And he wasn't grunting & wriggling about while sleeping which he's been doing recently & now 24 hrs in from starting it I can say aptimel has defo helped kayden.


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