Any tips to help with constipation?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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I was feeding Darragh SMA gold which he was thriving on but on the HV's advice I changed him to SMA white - he was feeding quite often and taking a lot for his size - now he is constipated :( I dont want to change back because he is much more settled on the white and I figure another change might be worse - I have tried water( he will only take a drop) and tummy massage etc - any other tips

Its only been two days but his last stool was firm - and none since :(
Cooled boiled water also works for us, or rubbing his tummy firmly in clockwise circles and cycling his legs. Other than that, sometimes a warm bath - or taking him swimming is always guaranteed to get a massive poo that evacuates the pool!
Our baby was constipated and the doctor told me to put one tsp of orange juice with cooled boiled water, or 1 tsp of brown sugar with water, and that will flush them out! The orange juice worked for our baby!
I heard my Hv tell another Mum the same about the orange juice - it has to be freshly squeezed but people seem to think it really works.
andreag said:
I heard my Hv tell another Mum the same about the orange juice - it has to be freshly squeezed but people seem to think it really works.

it works on me :rotfl:
Not suitable for any LO's under 4 months but Cow and Gates Mango Surprise works a treat, we gave it to Clark once and within 20 mins it had come out of the other end, out of his nappy, down his leg and up the lounge wall! The worst thing was it still looked and smelled like mango puree :puke: :puke: :puke:
I suggest cool boiled water or with a tiny amount of fresh orange juice or brown sugar (A very very tiny amount) other than that maybe if the milk is making him constipated then its not right for him, it can't do his tummy any good. I hope you manage to get it sorted hun, Its horrible seeing them in any type of pain. :hug:

evemarie8 said:
Not suitable for any LO's under 4 months but Cow and Gates Mango Surprise works a treat, we gave it to Clark once and within 20 mins it had come out of the other end, out of his nappy, down his leg and up the lounge wall! The worst thing was it still looked and smelled like mango puree :puke: :puke: :puke:

Lol Harrison loves them, still has them occasionally, don't make him go though lol.
Hiya, me and DH are experts on baby constipation!!!

If it's not bothering him at the moment then don't do anything. Or maybe just try some stewed apple or something.

If it gets to the stage where it's obviously bothering him. ie straining and crying and nothing happening. Then you can use latulose syrup or glycerol suppositories, both available from the pharmacist at boots.

We had a terrible episode with Ash last weekend being constipated. He hadn't gone for 5 days and had been straining on and off for 3 days with no result. It all came to a head on sunday when he was straining and crying and inconsolable. Basically I went to Boots in desperation. When I got back he was screaming. Hubbie held his hands whilst I inserted a suppository (not nice!). It popped straight out again after a min or so and then I could see poo. So with a combination of Ash pushing, us encouraginh him and us actually pulling out what we could see, he passed his first quite solid poos. It was awful and very upsetting. Basically he's just starting weaning and is also just starting formula as I wean him off breastmilk. So it's taking his system a while to get used to it.

So depending on how old your LO is you can check with the pharmacist. But I suggest it's worth having some of the above at home in case things get desperate. And just check I've got the names of those things right. Without going and searching for the packaging I've just used my memory, so I may not have spelt things right. And as I say, check the age range for their usage.

at that age cooled boiled water worked a treat on millie- but she was 100% breast-fed back then so she didnt really get constipated, her poos were so runny! :puke: :lol:

nowadays i give her fresh orange diluted with water (60% orange 40%water or maybe 70/30) but i dont kno if babies that young are allowed that- can they not have anything except milk and water? :think:

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